
White and purple brushes

Latin name Calanthe
Homeland Asia, Oceania
Family Orchidaceae
Cultivation depending on the species
Location never direct sun
Temperature depending on the type
Watering frequent during the growing season
Flowering time depending on the species
Height 60-90 cm depending on the type
Transplanting during the dormant period
Appearance maintenance remove faded parts

The genus Calanthe includes more than 120 species. These are terrestrial orchids that live on rocks and rocks, which is exactly what we will talk about, as well as epiphytes that settle on other plants, but use them only as a support. Calanthe has characteristic underground tuberous false-bulbs, usually small in size. They are surrounded by the bases of two or more leaves gathered in a basal rosette, the leaves also grow on the stem. The plant itself can be either deciduous or evergreen. Flowers are collected in more or less dense lateral brushes. The color of the flowers is different: from white to various shades of pink and up to purple. In deciduous species, flowering usually occurs almost simultaneously with the fall of foliage. In culture, garden hybrids are most common. Calantha is one of the first objects of hybridization of these plants by the famous botanist of the mid-19th century. Veitchem. Various hybrids were obtained, the original name of which cannot always be determined. One of the most common species is Calanthe masuca, an evergreen plant up to 60-90 cm tall. It has characteristic elongated bulbs and leaves of oblong or lanceolate shape. In the period from June to October, light lilac flowers with an intense purple lip bloom. Calantha rosea (C. rosea) is a deciduous species that grows up to 40-45 cm in height. The bulbs have an elliptical shape, and the leaves are oblong-lanceolate. At the end of winter, pink flowers bloom with a dark lip and a brighter pink border. Calantha vestita is a deciduous species up to 90 cm tall. Bulbs are large, ovate-conical, silvery-light green, leaves are broad, folded, lanceolate. By winter, 1-2 erect, slightly curved, densely pubescent peduncles with many small, elegant white flowers with a white-pink lip appear. They do not open at the same time, but gradually, so the flowering is long-1.5-2 months.

The genus Calanthe includes more than 120 species. These are terrestrial orchids that live on rocks and rocks, which is exactly what we will talk about, as well as epiphytes that settle on other plants, but use them only as a support. Calanthe has characteristic underground tuberous false-bulbs, usually small in size. They are surrounded by the bases of two or more leaves gathered in a basal rosette, the leaves also grow on the stem. The plant itself can be either deciduous or evergreen. Flowers are collected in more or less dense lateral brushes. The color of the flowers is different: from white to various shades of pink and up to purple. In deciduous species, flowering usually occurs almost simultaneously with the fall of foliage. In culture, garden hybrids are most common. Calantha is one of the first objects of hybridization of these plants by the famous botanist of the mid-19th century. Veitchem. Various hybrids were obtained, the original name of which cannot always be determined.

One of the most common species is Calanthe masuca, an evergreen plant up to 60-90 cm tall. It has characteristic elongated bulbs and leaves of oblong or lanceolate shape. In the period from June to October, light lilac flowers with an intense purple lip bloom.

Calantha rosea (C. rosea) is a deciduous species that grows up to 40-45 cm in height. The bulbs have an elliptical shape, and the leaves are oblong-lanceolate. At the end of winter, pink flowers bloom with a dark lip and a brighter pink border.

Calantha vestita is a deciduous species up to 90 cm tall. Bulbs are large, ovate-conical, silvery-light green, leaves are broad, folded, lanceolate. By winter, 1-2 erect, slightly curved, densely pubescent peduncles with many small, elegant white flowers with a white-pink lip appear. They do not open at the same time, but gradually, so the flowering is long-1.5-2 months.


Plants of the genus Calantha are planted outdoors and in winter gardens. Calanthe has different requirements for growing depending on the species, in general, these plants are moderately warm, they like high humidity. For planting, you can use a substrate for orchids of any type: with osmund, sphagnum, bark; garden soil is added to it in various proportions depending on the species. When preparing the substrate, it is recommended to apply bone meal or granulated organic fertilizer suitable for orchids at the rate of 40-50 g per bucket of soil. During the active growing season then fertilizer for orchids is added to the water for irrigation every 20-30 days. When the plants grow, it is recommended to divide the bushes. In summer, plants are planted in a warm, ventilated room, shaded from the sun, and watered abundantly. In winter, after flowering, they maintain a dormant period (1.5-2 months) at a temperature of about 16 °C, without watering.


Good lighting is required, but not in the open sun, especially in hot weather.


All plants of the genus are resistant to high air temperature if high humidity is provided. The minimum permissible temperature is not lower than 10 °C for pink calanthe and 15 °C for dressed calanthe and mazuca calanthe, but there are less common garden hybrids and varieties that are also resistant to lower temperatures.


Terrestrial species are distinguished by very thin roots, which constantly require moisture. During the growing season, water regularly, preventing complete drying of the substrate. At the end of the flowering period, the plants are kept in conditions of low humidity, allowing the soil to dry out. During the period of active development and growth, irrigation is resumed in the same volume. The humidity should also be quite high.


Transplanted during the dormant period, the signs of which are more clearly expressed in deciduous species, in general, it occurs after flowering. Transplanting into a new pot is done using a slightly larger container than the previous one.


Remove discolored and damaged parts.


Leafless bulbs with young sprouts are separated from the old ones and planted separately in pots.


In addition to common orchid diseases and pests, plants of the genus Calantha are damaged by mites, mainly at low ambient humidity. To get rid of these pests, increase the humidity of the air and soil, carry out treatment with acaricides. In addition, when there is a lack of water, the bulbs shrink and the growth of plants slows down.


Plants of the genus Calantha can be found in horticultural centers offering a wide range and in companies specializing in the cultivation of orchids. Given the diverse demands placed on the cultivation of species, it is useful to consult with specialists about proper care. This applies to location, temperature conditions, irrigation, transplant rules, etc.

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