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Latin name Filipendula
Homeland Eurasia, North and South America
Family Rosaceae
Cultivation easy
Location penumbra
Temperature moderate
Watering regular moderate
Flowering time June-July
Height 50-150 cm
Transplanting if necessary, as the bush grows
Appearance maintenance removing wilted inflorescences

The genus Filipendula includes 15 species of large herbaceous perennials distributed in temperate regions of Eurasia, North America and in the mountains of South America. These plants used to belong to spiraea, but were later separated into a separate genus. All of them are similar in the structure of the inflorescence, which is a complex brush with a shortened main axis and elongated lower branches, formed at the top of the shoot. The leaves are palmate or pinnate. Most often in gardens there are three types of Filipendula. The common or six-petaled Filipendula vulgaris, or F. hexapetala grows up to 150 cm in height. The stem is densely leafy. The leaves are dark green. The flowers are small, white or light cream in the natural form, the inflorescence is up to 20 cm long. There is an extremely decorative double variety 'Flore Pleno'. Filipendula vulgaris is used in folk medicine. Tea from inflorescences, both fresh and dried for future use, not only has a soothing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, but also is extremely pleasant to the taste. Garden forms of Filipendula ulmaria are grown almost exclusively for the sake of yellowish leaves (var. aurea) or pink flowers (var. rosea). Common in gardens with bright red or dark pink flowers-this is the American Filipendula red (F. rubra) or garden hybrid, obtained as a result of crossing three Japanese species of this genus. It reaches a height of 1.5 m, grows well in shady or semi-shady parts of the garden. All Filipendulas bloom in summer, and flowering lasts about a month.

The genus Filipendula includes 15 species of large herbaceous perennials distributed in temperate regions of Eurasia, North America and in the mountains of South America. These plants used to belong to spiraea, but were later separated into a separate genus. All of them are similar in the structure of the inflorescence, which is a complex brush with a shortened main axis and elongated lower branches, formed at the top of the shoot. The leaves are palmate or pinnate. Most often in gardens there are three types of Filipendula.

The common or six-petaled Filipendula vulgaris, or F. hexapetala grows up to 150 cm in height. The stem is densely leafy. The leaves are dark green. The flowers are small, white or light cream in the natural form, the inflorescence is up to 20 cm long. There is an extremely decorative double variety 'Flore Pleno'. Filipendula vulgaris is used in folk medicine. Tea from inflorescences, both fresh and dried for future use, not only has a soothing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, but also is extremely pleasant to the taste.

Garden forms of Filipendula ulmaria are grown almost exclusively for the sake of yellowish leaves (var. aurea) or pink flowers (var. rosea).

Common in gardens with bright red or dark pink flowers-this is the American Filipendula red (F. rubra) or garden hybrid, obtained as a result of crossing three Japanese species of this genus. It reaches a height of 1.5 m, grows well in shady or semi-shady parts of the garden. All Filipendulas bloom in summer, and flowering lasts about a month.


Filipendula are grown exclusively in the open ground. All types are perfectly suitable for both group and single plantings in the curb, on lawns, near hedges, for cutting. The soil is preferably moderately moist, rich in humus. Seedlings are planted in the spring in a permanent place. When planting an adult plant, you should first shade it from the sun's rays.


Filipendula grow well in partial shade or in the sun in conditions of normally moistened soil. Filipendula red develops better in the sun.


It grows well at temperatures typical of the temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.


Regular moderate. The soil should not completely dry out.


If necessary, as the bushes grow.


Removing wilted inflorescences will not only improve the appearance of the plant, but also prolong flowering. At the end of the growing season, by winter, the plants are cut off at a distance of several centimeters from the soil surface.


It can be propagated by seeds that are sown in the winter. But it is easier and more convenient to propagate Filipendula by dividing bushes.


They can be affected by aphids. Often get sick with powdery mildew. In both cases, spray the plants with the appropriate preparation, monitor the soil moisture.


Purchased seedlings should have a healthy appearance. If you are buying an adult flowering specimen, choose the one with the most buds.

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