
Grass from the Pampas

Latin name Gynerium
Homeland tropical America, Argentina
Family Gramineae
Cultivation depending on the species
Location open sunny
Temperature depending on the type
Watering depending on the type
Flowering time in summer
Height up to 6 m depending on the view
Transplanting in spring
Appearance maintenance remove yellowed leaves

The genus Gynerium includes 24 species of herbaceous perennial resistant and tender plants. Gynerium argenteum is a grass that botanists also call Cortaderia argentea, or Cortaderia selloana, better known as pampas grass. This species is a shrub formed by linear pilate falling green-blue leaves up to 2-2. 5 m long and strong straws (grass stem), on the tops of which lush pinnate inflorescences-panicles are formed, colored in silver, light pink, yellowish, purple, cream or white, depending on the variety. It is dioecious (on a single plant either only female or only male flowers are formed) plant. Decorative interest is represented by specimens with female flowers. Gynerium lance-shaped (G. sagittatum) is characterized by the fact that its leaves are longer than peduncles. The plant sometimes grows up to 5-6 m. The pinnate panicle is cream or walnut colored with a silvery tinge. The length of the leaves reaches 1.5 m.

The genus Gynerium includes 24 species of herbaceous perennial resistant and tender plants. Gynerium argenteum is a grass that botanists also call Cortaderia argentea, or Cortaderia selloana, better known as pampas grass. This species is a shrub formed by linear pilate falling green-blue leaves up to 2-2. 5 m long and strong straws (grass stem), on the tops of which lush pinnate inflorescences-panicles are formed, colored in silver, light pink, yellowish, purple, cream or white, depending on the variety. It is dioecious (on a single plant either only female or only male flowers are formed) plant. Decorative interest is represented by specimens with female flowers.

Gynerium lance-shaped (G. sagittatum) is characterized by the fact that its leaves are longer than peduncles. The plant sometimes grows up to 5-6 m. The pinnate panicle is cream or walnut colored with a silvery tinge. The length of the leaves reaches 1.5 m.


Gynerium is grown in the open ground in curbs and single plantings. Planted in spring in April: silver gynerium - in deep drained soil, loose, loamy or sandy loam, and spear-shaped gynerium - in clay moist soil. When planting, 30 g/m2 of complex mineral fertilizer is applied. In cold winter conditions, gynerium lance-shaped can be grown in pots on balconies and terraces, and cleaned in the fall in the house. The soil is made up of 2/3 peat and 1/3 from sphagnum, with the addition of a small amount of sand and mineral complex fertilizer at the rate of 30 g per bucket. In spring, once every 20 days, a complex fertilizer is added to the water for irrigation in the amount of 20 g per bucket.

Gynerium is grown in the open ground in curbs and single plantings. Planted in spring in April: silver gynerium - in deep drained soil, loose, loamy or sandy loam, and spear-shaped gynerium - in clay moist soil. When planting, 30 g/m2 of complex mineral fertilizer is applied. In cold winter conditions, gynerium lance-shaped can be grown in pots on balconies and terraces, and cleaned in the fall in the house. The soil is made up of 2/3 peat and 1/3 from sphagnum, with the addition of a small amount of sand and mineral complex fertilizer at the rate of 30 g per bucket. In spring, once every 20 days, a complex fertilizer is added to the water for irrigation in the amount of 20 g per bucket.


Gynerium requires a place in the open sun to grow and develop successfully.


Gynerium silvery-the plant is unpretentious, tolerates fluctuations in air temperature well; gynerium lance-shaped does not tolerate temperature changes below 14-16 °C.


Gynerium lance-shaped requires very moist land, it should be watered abundantly, and gynerium silvery-moderately and regularly.


Transplanted in the spring, once every 2-3 years, in more spacious summer pots.


Remove yellowed leaves.


Seeds are sown in late winter, indoors. Grown seedlings are transplanted into pots one at a time, and soon - to the final planting site. In addition, in the spring, you can divide the bush, the resulting parts are immediately planted in a permanent place in the ground.


If optimal growing conditions are not observed, gynerium is affected by various fungal infections. Rotting roots can be prevented by planting in a suitable light ground, using moisture-permeable humus. Powdery mildew of grapes, or oidium, causes a whitish down on the leaves and stems. They get rid of it with the help of anti-oidium drugs. One of the pests, aphids, causing significant harm, suck the juice from the plant, on the secretions of aphids develops rabble. Apply chemical treatment. The appearance of nematodes is prevented by using healthy soil or planting marigolds, the smell of which nematodes do not like.


Easier to find on sale gynerium silver. Buy bushy plants with a dense clod of earth or in pots.

Spring hygiene events In spring, it is recommended to cut out and burn the dried leaves and stems that accumulate in the center of the bush. You can set them on fire directly on the bush, but quickly and carefully, so as not to damage new shoots or destroy the lower part of the plant. In the end, you can simply limit yourself to pruning dry and damaged shoots, removing them with gloves, because they are very cut.

Spring hygiene events

In spring, it is recommended to cut out and burn the dried leaves and stems that accumulate in the center of the bush. You can set them on fire directly on the bush, but quickly and carefully, so as not to damage new shoots or destroy the lower part of the plant. In the end, you can simply limit yourself to pruning dry and damaged shoots, removing them with gloves, because they are very cut.

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