Helleborus 'Little Darling'

Helleborus 'Little Darling'
Flower type Single
Leaf margin Serrate
Winter hardness Good (USDA-zone 5, 6)
Flower color White-white-NN155D
Soil fertility No special demands
Flower diameter 6,5 - 7 cm
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Flowering month(s) January; February; November
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
soil pH requirement Neutral (pH 6,5 - 7,5); Alkaline (pH > 7,5); Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5)
Light conditions Semi-shades
Leaf division Diversely compound
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Moist; Well-drained
Soil type Humus rich

The Helleborus 'Little Darling' is a stunning flower that is sure to captivate any garden enthusiast. This particular variety is known for its single, serrate leaves and its winter hardiness, making it a popular choice for gardeners in USDA-zones 5 and 6.

One of the standout features of the 'Little Darling' hellebore is its beautiful flower color. The flowers are a pure white shade, with a subtle undertone of NN155D - a unique and eye-catching combination. They have a diameter of 6.5 to 7 cm, making them a substantial focal point in any garden.

When it comes to soil fertility, the 'Little Darling' hellebore has no special demands. It can thrive in a variety of soil types, as long as they are well-drained. The plant can tolerate neutral, slightly acidic, and alkaline soil pH levels, making it a versatile choice.

In terms of light conditions, the 'Little Darling' hellebore prefers semi-shaded areas. It can tolerate some direct sunlight, but it thrives best when it is protected from the intense afternoon sun. This makes it an ideal choice for gardens with partially shaded areas, such as under trees or near buildings.

The leaves of the 'Little Darling' hellebore are a dark green color, adding to the overall beauty of the plant. They are diversely compound, meaning that they have a variety of leaflets attached to a central stem. This creates an intricate and interesting foliage display.

This hellebore variety flowers primarily in January and February, but it can also bloom in November, bringing much-needed color and life to the winter garden. Its compact size, ranging from 10 to 20 cm in height, makes it a suitable choice for borders, containers, or even as a groundcover.

The 'Little Darling' hellebore requires moist, but well-drained soil. It benefits from regular watering, especially during dry periods, but it does not tolerate waterlogged conditions. To ensure the best growth and health of the plant, it is recommended to provide it with a humus-rich soil type.

Overall, the 'Little Darling' hellebore is a versatile and beautiful plant that can thrive in various garden settings. Its stunning white flowers, dark green leaves, and compact size make it a popular choice for both experienced and novice gardeners. With its ability to withstand winter conditions and its low maintenance needs, this hellebore is a great addition to any garden.

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