
Light, airy leaves

Latin name Adiantum
Homeland tropical and temperate regions
Family Adiantaceae
Cultivation medium difficulty
Location in partial shade
Temperature optimal 20-25 °C
Watering frequent
Flowering time does not happen
Height 15-25 cm
Transplanting in the spring
Appearance maintenance remove old leaves

The genus Adiantum includes about 200 species of ferns with short rhizomes, feathery delicate thin leaves and shiny brownish-black petioles. These are very capricious creatures - they do not tolerate dry air and high salt content in the soil. Adiantum veneris (Adianthum capillus-veneris) - the most popular species, one of the most beautiful ferns. Adiantum caudatum - recommended as an ampel culture, forms leaves to 60 cm long with brown petioles and offspring at the top. Adiantum pedatum - a stable fern up to 25 cm tall with light green leaves and short purple petioles (leaves are located almost horizontally). This species can be grown in the open ground. Adiantum large-leaved (Adiantum macrophyllum) is a decorative species 15-20 cm high with dissected, larger lobes of leaves. Their color varies depending on the angle of incidence of sunlight throughout the year: from pinkish in spring to light green, then bluish in summer, and in winter - brown leaves.

The genus Adiantum includes about 200 species of ferns with short rhizomes, feathery delicate thin leaves and shiny brownish-black petioles. These are very capricious creatures - they do not tolerate dry air and high salt content in the soil.

Adiantum veneris (Adianthum capillus-veneris) - the most popular species, one of the most beautiful ferns.

Adiantum caudatum - recommended as an ampel culture, forms leaves to 60 cm long with brown petioles and offspring at the top.

Adiantum pedatum - a stable fern up to 25 cm tall with light green leaves and short purple petioles (leaves are located almost horizontally). This species can be grown in the open ground.

Adiantum large-leaved (Adiantum macrophyllum) is a decorative species 15-20 cm high with dissected, larger lobes of leaves. Their color varies depending on the angle of incidence of sunlight throughout the year: from pinkish in spring to light green, then bluish in summer, and in winter - brown leaves.


Adiantum grown as at home (in rooms, winter gardens, greenhouses) and outdoors. Indoors, glass or plastic pots are preferred, in which the increased soil moisture remains longer. When growing outdoors - both in pots and in the open ground - it should be borne in mind that tender species survive in winter only in mild climates, otherwise at this time of year they are removed to a closed room, basement. For potted adiantums, it is recommended to use mixtures with a low content of nutrient salts, with a pH of about 6.0. the Soil should be loose, composed of leafy, peat and humus earth. In the open ground, it is useful to add peat and leaf humus to the ground. Only during the period of intensive growth - in the summer - 1 time in 2 weeks adiantums are fed with fertilizer in half concentration. Plants need frequent spraying; they are undemanding to light.

Adiantum grown as at home (in rooms, winter gardens, greenhouses) and outdoors. Indoors, glass or plastic pots are preferred, in which the increased soil moisture remains longer. When growing outdoors - both in pots and in the open ground - it should be borne in mind that tender species survive in winter only in mild climates, otherwise at this time of year they are removed to a closed room, basement. For potted adiantums, it is recommended to use mixtures with a low content of nutrient salts, with a pH of about 6.0. the Soil should be loose, composed of leafy, peat and humus earth. In the open ground, it is useful to add peat and leaf humus to the ground. Only during the period of intensive growth - in the summer - 1 time in 2 weeks adiantums are fed with fertilizer in half concentration. Plants need frequent spraying; they are undemanding to light.


All species grow well in partial shade. In the open air, plants are placed in a place where even in summer it is cool and humid.


In winter, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at the level of 18-20 °C, at other times of the year-20-25 °C. It is not recommended to keep it on a cold windowsill.


Water often, as the top layer of soil dries up (even in winter), never drying out the earthen lump. Watering with hard water is avoided.


Transplanting is carried out in the spring once every 1-2 years; young plants are transplanted more often.


Propagate by dividing the Bush in the spring (it is possible when transplanting). The resulting parts are planted in a soil mixture consisting of garden soil, leaf humus (or peat) and coarse-grained sand. Spores are propagated at a temperature of 22-24 °C. Adiantum caudata can be propagated by leaf offspring.


The rooms adiantum rarely damaged by pests and diseases. The leaves are very sensitive to various chemicals, so it is best to avoid using them.


Adiantum is easily found in flower shops and gardening centers. Make sure that the leaves are well developed, without spots or yellowing.

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