Ageratum houstonianum 'Blue Horizon'

Ageratum houstonianum 'Blue Horizon'
Leaf base Cordate (heart-shaped)
Leaf margin Erose
Flower color Blue-medium violet blue-092A
Structure (tissues) Herbaceous
Leaf division Simple
Plant, growth type Erect

Ageratum houstonianum 'Blue Horizon' is a stunning plant that showcases its beauty through its unique features. With its heart-shaped cordate leaf base, this plant adds a touch of elegance to any garden or landscape. The leaf margin, erose in nature, adds a charming touch to the overall appearance of the foliage.

One of the standout features of 'Blue Horizon' is its mesmerizing flower color. The blooms of this Ageratum variety are a delightful shade of blue, specifically medium violet blue-092A. These vibrant flowers add a splash of color to the surroundings and are sure to catch the attention of anyone passing by.

In terms of its structure, 'Blue Horizon' is classified as an herbaceous plant. This means that it lacks woody stems and instead has soft, green tissues. This structure allows for easy growth and flexibility, making it a great choice for both amateur and experienced gardeners.

The leaf division of this Ageratum variety is simple, meaning that the leaves are not divided or compound. This simpler leaf composition further adds to the plant's overall visual appeal without any extra intricacies.

In terms of growth type, 'Blue Horizon' is an erect plant. It grows upright, reaching a moderate height with its sturdy stems. This growth habit allows for better visibility of the foliage and flowers, ensuring that its beauty is showcased to its fullest potential.

Overall, Ageratum houstonianum 'Blue Horizon' is a remarkable addition to any garden or landscape. With its cordate leaf base, erose leaf margin, and stunning medium violet blue flowers, it is sure to be a showstopper. Its herbaceous structure, coupled with its simple leaf division and erect growth type, makes it a versatile and easy-to-care-for plant. Whether planted in flower beds, borders, or containers, 'Blue Horizon' is bound to add depth and beauty to any space.

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