
Star-shaped flowers

Alchemilla epipsila
Leaf margin: Dentate. Flower scent: Unscented. Winter hardness: Reasonable (USDA-zone 7). Flower color: Green-light green-145A. Leaf, general shape: Ovate (egg-shaped). Inflorescence: Umbel(-like). Light conditions: Sunny; Semi-shades. Toxicity (if consumed): Not or barely.
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Alchemilla mollis 'Robustica'
Leaf margin: Dentate. Winter hardness: Excellent (USDA-zone 1,2,3,4). Flower color: Green-light green-145A. Leaf, general shape: Ovate (egg-shaped). Inflorescence: Umbel(-like). Light conditions: Sunny; Semi-shades. Toxicity (if consumed): Not or barely.
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