Aloe aristata 'Magic'

Aloe aristata 'Magic'
Leaf arrangement wreath, in a rosette
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Dentate
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Plant height 5 - 10 cm
Structure (tissues) Succulent
Plantdiameter 15 cm - 20 cm
Leaf width 2 - 3 cm
Leaf surface Smooth
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Dotted
Leaf, secondary color(s) Greyish green

The Aloe aristata 'Magic', also known as Aloe, is a stunning plant that belongs to the succulent family. With its unique and beautiful features, it is no wonder this plant has become a popular choice among plant enthusiasts.

One of the notable characteristics of the Aloe aristata 'Magic' is its leaf arrangement. The leaves are arranged in a wreath-like formation, creating a visually appealing rosette shape. The leaf tips are pointed or acute, adding to the plant's overall attractiveness.

The leaf margin of the Aloe aristata 'Magic' is dentate, meaning it has small teeth-like projections along the edges. This adds texture and depth to the leaves, making them stand out even more. The leaves themselves have a lanceolate shape, tapering to a point at the end.

When fully grown, the Aloe aristata 'Magic' can reach a height of 5-10 cm, and its plant diameter can range from 15 cm to 20 cm. Despite its compact size, this plant is known for its visually striking appearance.

The succulent nature of the Aloe aristata 'Magic' means it has specialized tissues that can store water, allowing it to thrive in arid conditions. This also contributes to its overall hardy nature, making it a low-maintenance plant.

The leaves of the Aloe aristata 'Magic' have a smooth surface, giving them a glossy appearance. They are approximately 2-3 cm wide and 5-7.5 cm long, contributing to the plant's compact yet eye-catching appearance.

The main color of the Aloe aristata 'Magic' leaves is a deep, dark green, which is visually striking on its own. However, the leaves also feature a dotted pattern, adding an element of whimsy and intrigue to this already enchanting plant. The dots give the leaves a visually captivating texture, making them a stand-out feature.

In addition to its primary dark green color and dotted pattern, the Aloe aristata 'Magic' also has secondary coloration in the form of greyish green tones. This adds depth and complexity to the plant's overall color scheme, contributing to its unique and captivating aesthetic.

Overall, the Aloe aristata 'Magic' is a visually stunning plant with its wreath-like leaf arrangement, pointed leaf tips, dentate leaf margin, and lanceolate shape. Its succulent tissues and glossy, smooth leaves make it a low-maintenance and hardy plant that can thrive in various conditions. With its compact size, ranging from 5 cm to 10 cm in height and 15 cm to 20 cm in diameter, the Aloe aristata 'Magic' is a perfect choice for those looking to add a touch of magic and beauty to their indoor or outdoor spaces.

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