Anthurium (Andreanum Grp) Marea

Anthurium (Andreanum Grp) Marea
Flower color Pink-medium red pink-051B
Flower diameter 11 - 12 cm
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Veined; With trace; Multi-colored
Flower, secondary color(s) Brown-light green brown-160C; Green-light green-145D

Anthurium, specifically the Andreanum Group variety called Marea, is a stunning flowering plant that captivates with its vibrant pink-medium red colored petals. With a flower diameter of 11 to 12 centimeters, the Marea anthurium is a notable addition to any garden or indoor space.

One of the distinct features of the Marea variety is its unique inflorescence. The plant displays a spadix, which is a cylindrical structure covered in tiny florets that contributes to the overall dramatic effect of the flower. Surrounding the spadix is the spathe, a modified leaf that takes on a beautifully veined appearance. This veining enhances the allure of the Marea, making it a true spectacle to behold.

The color distribution of the Marea anthurium is truly fascinating. The flowers showcase intricate veining patterns in various shades, with a distinct multi-colored effect. Alongside the dominant pink-medium red hue, the Marea also exhibits secondary colors such as brown-light green and green-light green.

The brown-light green secondary color adds depth and dimension to the petals, creating an eye-catching contrast. It adds a touch of earthiness to the overall appearance of the Marea, enhancing its natural beauty. Meanwhile, the green-light green secondary color offers a fresh and vibrant element to the flower, highlighting its liveliness.

The Marea anthurium is not only visually stunning but also relatively easy to care for. It thrives in well-drained soil and requires regular watering to maintain its health. It is recommended to keep the plant in a bright but indirectly lit area, as excessive exposure to direct sunlight may cause the vibrant colors to fade.

Furthermore, maintaining a consistent temperature between 18 to 23 degrees Celsius provides an ideal environment for the Marea to flourish. Fertilizing the plant every two to four weeks during the growing season can further enhance its growth and vibrancy.

When it comes to displaying the Marea anthurium, it can be a stunning focal point in any floral arrangement. Its showstopping colors and unique inflorescence make it a popular choice for weddings, events, and special occasions. Placing a few stems in a vase can instantly elevate the ambiance of a room, adding a burst of color and elegance.

In conclusion, the Marea anthurium, with its pink-medium red petals, veined spathe, and intriguing color distribution, is an extraordinary flowering plant that exudes beauty. Its striking appearance, coupled with its relatively low maintenance requirements, makes it a captivating addition to any living space or garden. Whether showcased in a floral arrangement or simply as a standalone plant, the Marea anthurium is sure to bring joy and visual delight to all who encounter it.

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