Anthurium (Andreanum Grp) Salmon Queen

Anthurium (Andreanum Grp) Salmon Queen
Flower color Brown-orange brown-171A
Flower diameter 11 - 12 cm
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Multi-colored
Flower, secondary color(s) Green-dark brown green-146A

Anthurium, commonly known as the Flamingo Plant, is a stunning tropical flower that belongs to the Andreanum Group. One particular variety of Anthurium is the Salmon Queen, which exhibits unique characteristics that make it a sought-after choice for plant enthusiasts.

The Salmon Queen Anthurium features an exquisite flower color that can be described as brown-orange in hue, specifically identified as brown-171A according to the Royal Horticultural Society's color chart. This warm and inviting color adds a touch of sophistication to any living space or garden.

Measuring between 11 and 12 centimeters in diameter, the flowers of the Salmon Queen Anthurium are not only visually appealing but also relatively large compared to other Anthurium varieties. This significant size allows its beauty to be appreciated from a distance.

The Salmon Queen Anthurium is known for its distinctive inflorescence, which consists of a spadix and spathe. The spadix is a spike-like structure that bears tiny flowers pollinated by insects, while the spathe is the large, leaf-like bract that surrounds the spadix, providing protection and visual appeal.

One of the most captivating traits of the Salmon Queen Anthurium is its multi-colored flower distribution. Each flower showcases a beautiful combination of colors on its spathe, giving it a truly unique appearance. The varying shades and patterns create a mesmerizing display, making it a popular choice among flower enthusiasts.

Alongside its brown-orange primary color, the Salmon Queen Anthurium also boasts secondary colors of green and dark brown, specifically identified as green-dark brown green-146A on the Royal Horticultural Society's color chart. These secondary colors add depth and contrast, enhancing the overall visual impact of the flower.

Caring for a Salmon Queen Anthurium requires some attention to ensure its optimal growth. It thrives in a warm and humid environment, making it a perfect choice for tropical or greenhouse settings. Well-draining soil is essential to prevent waterlogging and root rot. Regular watering and misting help maintain the required humidity levels, while indirect or filtered sunlight ensures the Anthurium receives adequate light without direct exposure.

This extraordinary flower, the Salmon Queen Anthurium, adds a touch of elegance and natural beauty to indoor and outdoor spaces alike. Its brown-orange primary color, accompanied by secondary shades of green and dark brown, creates a captivating multi-colored floral display. As a member of the Andreanum Group, this Flamingo Plant variety is known for its large flowers and striking inflorescence. With proper care, the Salmon Queen Anthurium will continue to grace its surroundings with its vibrant hues and alluring presence.

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