Aster (Novi-belgii Grp) 'Casablanca'

Aster (Novi-belgii Grp) 'Casablanca'
Leaf margin Dentate
Flower color White-white-155D
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Plant height 80 - 90 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Light conditions Sunny
Flower color distribution Multi-colored
Moisture requirements Well-drained

Aster 'Casablanca', also known as Michaelmas Daisy or Michaelmass Daisy, is a beautiful flowering plant that belongs to the Novi-belgii Grp. With its white and multi-colored blossoms, lanceolate leaves, and tall height of 80-90 cm, this aster variety adds a touch of elegance to any garden or landscape.

One of the distinguishing features of Aster 'Casablanca' is its dentate leaf margin, which adds texture and interest to the overall appearance of the plant. The lanceolate leaves are slender and taper to a point, giving the plant a graceful and refined look.

The flowers of Aster 'Casablanca' are truly stunning. They are white in color, with a hint of a pale white hue (155D) that gives them a soft and delicate appearance. However, what sets this variety apart is the multi-colored distribution of the flower colors. Each blossom displays variations of white, creating a visually captivating effect.

Aster 'Casablanca' blooms in racemes, which are clusters of flowers arranged along a central stem. This inflorescence arrangement creates a dazzling display of flowers that is sure to catch the eye. The racemes are held high above the foliage, making them highly visible and creating a striking visual impact.

To thrive, Aster 'Casablanca' requires a sunny location. It thrives in well-drained soil and requires moderate moisture levels. This plant does not tolerate wet or waterlogged conditions, so ensuring proper drainage is essential for its success. With the right light conditions and moisture requirements, Aster 'Casablanca' will reward gardeners with a profusion of beautiful blooms.

In terms of maintenance, Aster 'Casablanca' is relatively easy to care for. Regular watering is necessary, but overwatering should be avoided. Deadheading spent flowers will encourage prolonged blooming and prevent self-seeding.

Due to its tall height and eye-catching flowers, Aster 'Casablanca' is an ideal choice for adding vertical interest to borders, garden beds, or large containers. It can also be used as a cut flower, adding elegance to floral arrangements.

Whether used as a focal point in a garden or to add drama and beauty to an outdoor space, Aster 'Casablanca' is a versatile and stunning plant. Its dentate leaf margin, lanceolate leaves, white and multi-colored flowers, and preference for well-drained soil and sunny locations make it a favorite among gardeners looking for a show-stopping addition to their landscape.

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