Dahlia (Miscellaneous Grp) Royal Dahlietta Margaret

Dahlia (Miscellaneous Grp) Royal Dahlietta Margaret
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-002A
Structure (tissues) Herbaceous
Leaf division Pinnate
Plant, growth type Erect
Flower color distribution Multi-colored

Dahlias are a popular choice among gardeners due to their vibrant colors and stunning flower structures. Within the Dahlia genus, there are various cultivars, including the Royal Dahlietta Margaret, which is highly esteemed for its unique characteristics.

One prominent feature of the Royal Dahlietta Margaret is its foliage leaf, which falls under the category of foliage plants. The leaves are known for their distinctive pinnate division, which adds to the visual appeal of the plant. The intricate pattern of the leaf division creates a sense of elegance and sophistication in the overall look of the Dahlia.

The flower color of Royal Dahlietta Margaret is a striking yellow, with shades ranging from medium to a deeper yellow hue (specifically labeled as yellow-medium yellow-002A). The vibrant color adds a cheerful touch to any garden or floral arrangement, making it a popular choice for those who want to infuse a burst of brightness into their spaces.

In terms of structural composition, the Royal Dahlietta Margaret belongs to the herbaceous group of plants. Herbaceous plants are characterized by their soft, green stems and non-woody tissues. This makes the plant relatively easy to care for as it does not require extensive pruning or maintenance.

The growth habit of the Royal Dahlietta Margaret is erect, meaning it grows upright and provides a vertical element to the garden. This growth type is advantageous for those looking to create depth and height variations in their outdoor spaces. Planted strategically, the erect growth habit of Royal Dahlietta Margaret can serve as an excellent backdrop for shorter plants or as a centerpiece in a flower bed.

One notable aspect of this dahlia cultivar is its multi-colored flower distribution. The petals of the Royal Dahlietta Margaret showcase different shades and color variations, adding an element of intrigue and complexity to its overall appearance. This unique display of multi-colored flowers makes it a standout choice for those who appreciate a touch of diversity in their garden.

Overall, the Royal Dahlietta Margaret is a captivating Dahlia cultivar that possesses a combination of distinct features. Its foliage leaf with pinnate division, erect growth habit, and multi-colored flower distribution set it apart from other dahlias. The vibrant yellow color of its flowers adds a lively touch, making it an excellent choice for those seeking to brighten up their outdoor spaces. Whether planted individually or combined with other flowers, Royal Dahlietta Margaret is sure to enhance the beauty of any garden or floral display.

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