Dahlia (Miscellaneous Grp) Dalina Maxi Emilio

Dahlia (Miscellaneous Grp) Dalina Maxi Emilio
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Orange-medium orange-026B
Flower diameter 10 - 11 cm
Plant height 40 - 50 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Plantdiameter 35 cm - 40 cm
Leaf size 15 - 20 cm
Leaf division Diversely compound
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace

The Dahlia, known by its scientific name Dahlia variabilis, is a beautiful flower that belongs to the Miscellaneous group. One particular variety within this group is the Dahlia Dalina Maxi Emilio. This exquisite flower is admired for its double, or pleniflorous, petals and its stunning orange-medium orange hue. With a flower diameter spanning from 10 to 11 cm, this dahlia is a true showstopper in any garden or floral arrangement. Let's delve into more details about the Dahlia Dalina Maxi Emilio and its various characteristics.

~Plant Height and Inflorescence~

The Dahlia Dalina Maxi Emilio typically reaches a height of 40 to 50 cm, making it a relatively compact plant. Its inflorescence takes the form of a capitulum, or head, where multiple flowers bloom together. This creates a visually appealing cluster of vibrant orange blooms that is sure to catch the eye.

~Plant and Leaf Size~

As for its plant size, the Dahlia Dalina Maxi Emilio has a diameter ranging from 35 to 40 cm. This makes it a suitable choice for both outdoor gardens and container planting. The plant's leaves, on the other hand, measure approximately 15 to 20 cm in length. These leaves are diversely compound, meaning they consist of multiple smaller leaflets coming off a central stem.

~Leaf Color and Flower Color Distribution~

The main color of the Dahlia Dalina Maxi Emilio's leaves is a rich, dark green shade. This foliage provides a striking contrast against the vibrant orange flowers, further enhancing their beauty. Speaking of flower color, the petals of this Dahlia variety are unicolored, meaning they have a consistent orange hue. However, upon closer inspection, one may notice traces of a slightly darker orange shade along the edges of the petals. This subtle variation adds depth and dimension to the flower's appearance.


The Dahlia Dalina Maxi Emilio is an outstanding member of the Dahlia variabilis species. Its double petals, ranging from orange to medium orange, give it a radiant and captivating charm. With a compact plant size and an eye-catching inflorescence, it is a versatile option for various gardening needs. The dark green leaves provide an attractive backdrop to the abundantly blooming flowers. If you are in search of a stunning flower with a unique color distribution, the Dahlia Dalina Maxi Emilio is undoubtedly an excellent choice. Whether planted in a garden or used for floral arrangements, this dahlia variety is sure to bring joy and beauty to any setting.

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