Dahlia (Miscellaneous Grp) Dalina Papagaya

Dahlia (Miscellaneous Grp) Dalina Papagaya
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Leaf margin Erose
Flower color Red-dark purple red-046A; Pink-light blue pink-056D
Flower diameter 9,5 - 10 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Bicolored

The Dahlia, also known as Dalina Papagaya, is a stunning member of the Miscellaneous Group of flowers. Its unique features make it a favorite among gardeners and flower enthusiasts.

One notable characteristic of the Dahlia is its pointed or acute leaf tip. This gives the plant an elegant and sharp appearance. Additionally, the leaf margin is erose, which means it has a jagged or somewhat toothed edge. This adds texture to the overall look of the plant.

When it comes to the flowers, the Dahlia boasts a double or pleniflorous flower type. This means that the blooms have multiple layers of petals, creating a full and voluminous appearance. The flower colors vary, with options including red-dark purple red-046A and pink-light blue pink-056D. These bicolored hues add depth and visual interest to the plant.

In terms of size, the Dahlia's flower diameter ranges from 9.5 to 10 cm, making it a moderate-sized bloom. The flowers are arranged in an inflorescence called a capitulum or head, which adds a unique structural element to the plant.

The main color of the Dahlia's leaves is a rich, dark green. This provides a lush backdrop for the vibrant and colorful flowers to stand out against. The interplay between the deep green foliage and the bicolored blossoms creates a striking contrast that is breathtaking to behold.

The distribution of the flower color on the Dahlia is bicolored, meaning that different sections of the petals showcase different hues. This creates a visually captivating effect, as the colors blend and harmonize across the flower.

Overall, the Dahlia is a remarkable flower that offers a feast for the eyes. Its pointed leaf tips, erose leaf margins, double flower type, and bicolored flower color distribution all contribute to its unique and stunning appearance. Whether planted individually or as part of a larger garden display, the Dahlia is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who sets eyes upon it.

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