Dahlia (Ball Grp) 'White Nettie'

Dahlia (Ball Grp) 'White Nettie'
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Leaf margin Dentate
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color White-white-155A
Flower diameter 6,5 - 7 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-medium yellow green-001B

Introducing the Gorgeous Dahlia 'White Nettie': A Must-Have for Your Garden

Elevate the visual appeal of your garden with the stunning Dahlia 'White Nettie' from the Ball Group. This double flowered beauty, with its pleniflorous blossom, is set to transform your outdoor space into a floral paradise. With its impressive characteristics and charming appearance, the Dahlia 'White Nettie' is sure to capture the attention of any nature lover.

Known for its dentate leaf margin, this dahlia variety offers a unique texture that adds depth and interest to your garden. The dark green leaves provide a striking contrast against the dazzling white blooms. The vibrant hue of the 'White Nettie' makes it an excellent choice for brightening up any corner of your garden.

One of the fantastic features of this dahlia is its unscented flowers. While some may prefer a fragrance in their blooms, the 'White Nettie' focuses solely on captivating your eyes rather than your nose. The absence of scent ensures that this dahlia is perfect for those who may have sensitivities or prefer a more visually striking garden.

When it comes to color, the 'White Nettie' dahlia truly makes a statement. The white-white-155A tone takes center stage, creating an elegant and serene atmosphere in your garden. The flower diameter of 6.5-7 cm ensures that these blossoms are the perfect size, not too small to go unnoticed, but also not too large to overwhelm the overall aesthetic.

The inflorescence of the Dahlia 'White Nettie' takes the form of a captivating capitulum or head. This unique arrangement gives the dahlia a distinct appearance, making it stand out among other garden flowers. The lovely display of blooms will undoubtedly become a focal point in your garden, attracting the attention of both your neighbors and passersby.

With its secondary colors of yellow-medium yellow green-001B, the Dahlia 'White Nettie' brings an additional touch of vibrancy to your garden. The pops of yellow create a striking contrast against the pristine white petals, adding depth and visual interest to the overall composition.

If you are looking to enhance your garden with a mesmerizing dahlia variety, the 'White Nettie' is the perfect choice. Its dark green foliage, pleniflorous double flowers, and captivating color combinations make it an absolute must-have for any flower enthusiast. Whether you are an experienced gardener or a novice, the Dahlia 'White Nettie' is sure to bring joy and beauty to your outdoor space.

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