Dahlia (Ball Grp) 'Black Diamond'

Dahlia (Ball Grp) 'Black Diamond'
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Leaf margin Serrate
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Red-dark purple red-187B
Flower diameter 9 - 9,5 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Leaf, main color Dark green

The Black Diamond dahlia, also known as Dahlia (Ball Grp) 'Black Diamond', is a stunning flower that belongs to the dahlia family. Known for its beautiful double petals, this pleniflorous variety is truly a sight to behold.

One of the notable features of the Black Diamond dahlia is its serrated leaf margin. The edges of the leaves are characterized by small, sharp teeth, giving the plant an added touch of elegance. The main color of the leaves is a rich, dark green, providing a beautiful contrast to the vibrant blooms.

When it comes to the flowers themselves, the Black Diamond dahlia exhibits a mesmerizing red-dark purple red hue, designated as 187B in the color chart. The deep, intense color adds a touch of drama and sophistication to any garden or floral arrangement.

Measuring approximately 9 to 9.5 centimeters in diameter, the Black Diamond dahlia's flowers are not only visually striking but also decently sized. The fully opened blossoms reveal layers upon layers of petals, creating a captivating display.

The inflorescence of the Black Diamond dahlia is in the form of a capitulum or head. Multiple flowers bloom on a single stalk, forming a cluster that adds to the flower's overall impact. This arrangement makes it a popular choice for cut flower arrangements and bouquets.

While the Black Diamond dahlia is truly a sight to behold, it does not possess a strong scent. Its fragrance-free nature allows the lovely flower to be enjoyed without overwhelming the senses. Its visual appeal takes center stage, captivating everyone who lays eyes on it.

In conclusion, the Black Diamond dahlia, also known as Dahlia (Ball Grp) 'Black Diamond', is a captivating flower with stunning double red-dark purple red petals. Its serrated leaf margin and dark green foliage provide an elegant backdrop for the show-stopping blooms. With its sizable flowers and inflorescence in the form of a capitulum, this dahlia is a popular choice for arrangements and adds a touch of sophistication to any garden or floral display. While it may lack fragrance, the Black Diamond dahlia more than makes up for it with its breathtaking beauty.

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