Dianthus chinensis 'Corona Cherry Magic'

Dianthus chinensis 'Corona Cherry Magic'

Dianthus chinensis 'Corona Cherry Magic'~DIANTHUS, CARNATION

Dianthus chinensis 'Corona Cherry Magic' is a stunning variety of the popular flower known as Dianthus or Carnation. With its vibrant cherry red blooms and striking appearance, this cultivar is a favorite among gardeners and flower enthusiasts.

The Dianthus chinensis species is native to Eastern Asia, particularly China. They are herbaceous perennial plants that belong to the Caryophyllaceae family. 'Corona Cherry Magic' is a cultivar that has been specifically bred to enhance the flower's color, form, and hardiness.

One of the most notable features of 'Corona Cherry Magic' is its double blooms. The flowers consist of multiple layers of petals, creating a dense and voluminous appearance. These blooms can reach around 2 inches in diameter, making them an eye-catching addition to any garden bed or floral arrangement.

The vibrant cherry red color of the flowers adds a pop of color to any landscape. The petals have a velvety texture, giving the blooms a luxurious and elegant feel. 'Corona Cherry Magic' is known for its long-lasting blooms, providing weeks of beauty and enjoyment.

In terms of care, Dianthus chinensis 'Corona Cherry Magic' is relatively easy to grow. They prefer a sunny location with well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Adequate watering is necessary to keep the plant healthy, but it is important not to overwater to prevent root rot. Regular deadheading will promote continuous blooming and keep the plant looking tidy.

This cultivar is relatively compact, reaching a height of around 10-12 inches. This makes it suitable for various uses in the garden, including borders, containers, and rock gardens. 'Corona Cherry Magic' is also deer resistant, making it a great choice for gardens where deer may be a nuisance.

Aside from its ornamental value, Dianthus chinensis 'Corona Cherry Magic' has a mild fragrance, adding an extra sensory delight to any outdoor space. The fragrance is not overpowering but pleasantly scents the surrounding area, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

Overall, Dianthus chinensis 'Corona Cherry Magic' is a beautiful and versatile addition to any garden. Its double blooms, vibrant color, and compact size make it a popular choice among gardeners. Whether used as a focal point in a flower bed or as a cut flower in floral arrangements, 'Corona Cherry Magic' will undoubtedly make a statement with its stunning beauty.

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