Dianthus standard Country

Dianthus standard Country
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Green-light green-145C
Flower diameter 7 - 7,5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Green grey
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Dianthus standard Country is a beautiful variety of the popular Dianthus, commonly known as Carnation. This particular type of flower has unique characteristics that make it stand out among others in its family.

One of the defining features of the Dianthus standard Country is its flower type. It is classified as a double or pleniflorous flower, meaning it has multiple layers of petals that give it a fuller appearance. This characteristic adds to the overall beauty and charm of the flower.

In terms of color, the Dianthus standard Country showcases a stunning combination of green and light green shades. Its flower color can be described as a vibrant green with hints of light green. This color palette adds a refreshing and natural touch to the flower, making it visually pleasing.

When it comes to size, the flower diameter of the Dianthus standard Country ranges from 7 to 7.5 centimeters. This moderate size makes it compact enough to be used in various floral arrangements, yet large enough to make a statement on its own.

In terms of inflorescence, the Dianthus standard Country features single-flowered blooms. This means that each stem produces a solitary flower, adding a sense of elegance and simplicity to the overall display. These solitary flowers can be showcased individually or clustered together for a more dramatic effect.

The leaves of the Dianthus standard Country have a main color of green grey. This greenish-grey hue provides a pleasing contrast to the vibrant green flower color, creating a harmonious aesthetic. The leaves also add texture and shape to the overall appearance of the plant.

When it comes to flower color distribution, the Dianthus standard Country showcases a unicolored pattern. This means that the entire flower is adorned with the same vibrant green color, creating a uniform and visually striking look. This uniformity and consistency in color distribution make the Dianthus standard Country a captivating choice for garden enthusiasts and floral enthusiasts alike.

In conclusion, the Dianthus standard Country is a remarkable variety of Dianthus or Carnation. Its unique characteristics, including the double flower type, green-light green flower color, moderate size, single-flowered inflorescence, green grey leaves, and unicolored flower distribution, make it a standout flower in any arrangement. Whether used in gardens, bouquets, or floral displays, the Dianthus standard Country is sure to impress with its beauty and charm.

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