Dianthus standard Fabulous

Dianthus standard Fabulous
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Red-dark red-045A
Flower diameter 7,5 - 8 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Green grey
Flower color distribution Marginate; Bicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) White-light yellow orange-159A

Dianthus standard Fabulous, also known as Dianthus Carnation, is a stunning flower that boasts a double (pleniflorous) blossom. With its rich red to dark red hue, this flower is sure to catch the eye of anyone who comes across it.

Measuring between 7.5 to 8 centimeters in diameter, the flowers of Dianthus standard Fabulous are a sight to behold. Each bloom is single-flowered, allowing the petals to fully showcase their beauty and intricacy.

As for the leaves, they feature a main color of green-grey, providing a lovely contrast to the vibrant red of the flowers. The flower color distribution on each blossom is marginate, which means that the edges of the petals are a different color from the inner sections. This adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to the overall appearance of the flower.

In addition to the rich red hue, the Dianthus standard Fabulous also displays secondary colors of white and light yellow-orange, as portrayed by the color code 159A. These secondary colors add depth and dimension to the flower, complementing the primary color perfectly.

The Dianthus standard Fabulous is a fantastic addition to any garden or floral arrangement. Its striking red petals and contrasting colors make it a standout choice for flower enthusiasts. Whether displayed on its own or combined with other flowers, this Dianthus variety is sure to bring beauty and vibrancy to any setting.

Not only is the Dianthus standard Fabulous visually appealing, but it also has a delightful fragrance, making it a popular choice for perfumes and scented products. The sweet and floral scent of this flower adds another layer of allure and charm.

When caring for Dianthus standard Fabulous, it is best to provide it with well-drained soil and ample sunlight. These flowers thrive in full sun conditions, which enhances their bloom and color intensity. Regular watering is important, but be careful not to overwater as it can cause root rot.

In conclusion, the Dianthus standard Fabulous, or Dianthus Carnation, is a remarkable flower with its double blooms and captivating colors. Its red-dark red petals, marginate color distribution, and secondary colors of white and light yellow-orange make it a true standout in any garden or floral arrangement. With proper care, this Dianthus variety will continue to amaze with its beauty and fragrance.

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