Dracaena fragrans Burley

Dracaena fragrans Burley
Leaf arrangement spreaded
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Entire
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Leaf width 10 - 15 cm
Leaf surface Bullate
Leaf size 50 - 75 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Bicolored
Leaf, secondary color(s) Light green

The Dracaena fragrans Burley, also known as the Dragon Tree, is a stunning plant that adds a touch of elegance to any indoor or outdoor space. Its unique leaf characteristics make it a popular choice among plant enthusiasts.

One notable feature of the Dragon Tree is its spreaded leaf arrangement. The leaves are beautifully arranged in a way that adds volume and texture to the plant, creating a visually appealing display. With the pointed or acute leaf tips, the Dragon Tree stands tall and exudes a sense of strength and sophistication.

The entire leaf margin of the Dracaena fragrans Burley gives it a clean and polished look. Each leaf is lanceolate in shape, meaning it tapers towards a point at both ends, resembling a lance or spear. This elongated shape is aesthetically pleasing and adds a touch of elegance to the plant.

Measuring between 10 to 15 cm in width, the leaves of the Dragon Tree are sizable yet not overpowering. With a length ranging from 50 to 75 cm, these leaves can create a captivating focal point in any indoor or outdoor setting.

The leaf surface of the Dracaena fragrans Burley is bullate, meaning it has a textured, slightly bumpy appearance. This adds depth and interest to the leaves, making them even more visually appealing. The unique texture also adds a tactile element to the plant, making it a delight to touch and feel.

The main color of the Dragon Tree's leaves is a rich, dark green that emanates a sense of lushness and vitality. However, what sets this plant apart is its bicolored leaf pattern. The leaves display a beautiful contrast between the dark green main color and a lighter shade of green as a secondary color. This combination of colors adds dimension and visual interest to the plant, making it stand out among other greenery.

The Dracaena fragrans Burley, or Dragon Tree, is truly a remarkable plant with its spreaded leaf arrangement, pointed leaf tips, lanceolate shape, and bullate texture. Its sizable leaves, measuring 10 to 15 cm in width and 50 to 75 cm in length, create a captivating display. With its dark green main color and bicolored leaf pattern, it adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. Whether used as a focal point in a room or as part of a lush outdoor garden, the Dragon Tree is sure to impress with its unique leaf characteristics.

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