Dracaena fragrans (Compacta Grp) 'Jade Jewel'

Dracaena fragrans (Compacta Grp) 'Jade Jewel'
Leaf arrangement spreaded
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Entire
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Leaf width 4 - 5 cm
Leaf surface Smooth; Glossy
Leaf size 20 - 25 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green; Green grey
Leaf colour, pattern Margin; Multi-colored
Leaf, secondary color(s) White

Dracaena fragrans, also known as the Dragon Tree, is a popular houseplant known for its striking appearance and easy care requirements. One particular cultivar of this plant, called 'Jade Jewel' from the Compacta Group, stands out for its unique leaf characteristics.

The leaves of the 'Jade Jewel' variety are arranged in a spreaded manner, creating a beautiful display. The leaf tips are pointed or acute, adding to the plant's elegant and sophisticated look. Meanwhile, the leaf margin is entire, giving the leaves a smooth and sleek appearance.

In terms of shape, the leaves of the 'Jade Jewel' are lanceolate, meaning they are long and narrow with a tapering point. This lanceolate shape adds a touch of elegance to the overall appearance of this cultivar. The width of the leaves measures about 4 to 5 cm, providing a nice balance in proportion.

One of the notable features of the 'Jade Jewel' is its smooth and glossy leaf surface. This shiny texture not only enhances the visual appeal of the plant but also makes it easy to clean and maintain. The leaves are relatively large, ranging from 20 to 25 cm in size, creating a bold statement in any setting.

The main color of the leaves is a dark green, which gives the plant a lush and vibrant look. However, there is also a hint of green-grey, adding depth and dimension to the foliage. In terms of pattern, the leaves exhibit a multi-colored effect, particularly along the margins. This adds an interesting contrast to the main green color.

To further accentuate its beauty, the 'Jade Jewel' cultivar features secondary colors, mainly white. These white accents can be seen throughout the leaves, creating a visually appealing contrast. The combination of the dark green, green-grey, and white colors gives the 'Jade Jewel' a truly unique and eye-catching appearance.

When it comes to care, the 'Jade Jewel' is a relatively low-maintenance plant. It thrives in bright indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions as well. It prefers moderate watering and should be allowed to slightly dry out between waterings to prevent root rot. Regular misting and dusting of the leaves help to keep them looking glossy and healthy.

In conclusion, the Dracaena fragrans 'Jade Jewel' from the Compacta Group is a fascinating and beautiful cultivar of the Dragon Tree. Its spreaded leaf arrangement, pointed leaf tips, entire leaf margin, and lanceolate shape make it a visually stunning addition to any space. With its smooth and glossy leaf surface, dark green and green-grey coloration, multi-colored pattern, and white secondary colors, the 'Jade Jewel' truly lives up to its name as a jewel among houseplants.

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