Freesia single flowered Bon Bini Beach

Freesia single flowered Bon Bini Beach
Flower type Single
Flower scent Strong
Flower color Purple-light blue violet-085C
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Freesia is a popular flower that captivates with its delicate blooms and alluring fragrance. Among the many varieties of freesia available, one that stands out is the single-flowered Bon Bini Beach freesia. With its strong scent and vibrant colors, this particular variety is a sight to behold.

The Bon Bini Beach freesia features single, rather than double, blooms. Each blossom exudes a powerful fragrance that fills the air with its intoxicating scent. This fragrance, coupled with the stunning colors of the flowers, makes the Bon Bini Beach freesia a favorite among flower enthusiasts.

The color of the Bon Bini Beach freesia is a striking combination of purple and light blue-violet. In the color chart, it can be described as resembling a shade labeled 085C. This unique coloration makes the Bon Bini Beach freesia a standout amongst other freesia varieties, adding an element of intrigue and allure to any floral arrangement.

When it comes to size, the flowers of the Bon Bini Beach freesia boast a diameter of 6 to 6.5 cm. This size makes them ideal for a variety of arrangements, from small vases to larger bouquets. The medium-sized blooms perfectly balance their vibrant colors and strong fragrance, making them a versatile choice for any occasion.

One distinctive feature of the Bon Bini Beach freesia is its unicolored flower color distribution. This means that the entire flower, from petal to petal, is adorned in a consistent hue of purple-light blue violet (085C). This uniform distribution creates an aesthetically pleasing and visually appealing appearance, elevating the overall attractiveness of the flower.

Whether used in floral displays, wedding bouquets, or as a gift, the Bon Bini Beach freesia is sure to make a statement. Its single flowers, strong scent, vibrant colors, and unicolored distribution make it a unique variety that is bound to capture attention and admiration. So, whether you're looking to create an eye-catching centerpiece or simply brighten someone's day with a beautiful bouquet, the Bon Bini Beach freesia is an excellent choice.

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