Freesia double flowered Orangina

Freesia double flowered Orangina
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Leaf margin Entire
Flower scent Different; Sweet scented
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Flower color Brown-orange red-169A; Brown-orange red-169A
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Inflorescence Multi-flowered
Structure (tissues) Herbaceous
Leaf division Simple
Plant, growth type Erect
Flower color distribution Multi-colored

Freesia double flowered Orangina is a captivating variety of Freesia that displays stunning double flowers in a striking brown-orange red color. With its multi-colored flower color distribution, this variety is sure to catch the eye of any observer.

One notable feature of Freesia double flowered Orangina is its foliage. The foliage leaves are lanceolate in shape, with a pointed or acute leaf tip and an entire leaf margin. The leaf type is foliage leaf, giving the plant a lush and vibrant appearance.

In terms of scent, Freesia double flowered Orangina offers a unique and sweet fragrance that sets it apart from other varieties. The different fragrance adds another layer of appeal to an already beautiful flower.

The structure of this Freesia variety is herbaceous, meaning it is composed of non-woody tissues. This characteristic contributes to its erect growth type, giving the plant a strong and upright appearance.

The inflorescence of Freesia double flowered Orangina is multi-flowered, meaning it produces several flowers on a single stem. This abundance of blooms only adds to the overall visual impact of the plant.

The flower color of Freesia double flowered Orangina is a rich brown-orange red shade, classified as 169A on the color chart. The double, or pleniflorous, flower type creates a fuller and more luxurious appearance. The combination of the multi-colored distribution and double flowers makes this variety a true showstopper.

Gardeners and flower enthusiasts will undoubtedly be captivated by the beauty and unique characteristics of Freesia double flowered Orangina. Whether it is its striking brown-orange red color, sweet scent, or multi-flowered inflorescence, this variety is sure to bring a lively and vibrant touch to any garden or arrangement.

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