Freesia single flowered 'San Remo'

Freesia single flowered 'San Remo'
Flower type Single
Flower scent Sweet scented
Flower color White-white-NN155C
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The mesmerizing beauty and enchanting fragrance of the Freesia single flowered 'San Remo' cannot be overlooked. With its sweet scent and delicate appearance, it is a true delight for any flower enthusiast.

The main characteristic that sets the 'San Remo' apart is its single flower type. Unlike other varieties of Freesia that may have multiple petals in each bloom, this particular cultivar showcases a solitary, elegant blossom. This unique feature gives it a sense of simplicity and purity, making it a favorite among flower enthusiasts.

The fragrance of the 'San Remo' is another attribute that makes it highly sought after. The sweet scent that emanates from its blooms fills the air with a pleasant aroma, instantly uplifting the mood and creating a serene ambiance. Whether used in flower arrangements or simply enjoyed as a standalone bloom, its irresistible fragrance adds an extra layer of pleasure to any setting.

When it comes to color, the 'San Remo' Freesia boasts a strikingly beautiful white hue. The petals are pure white, radiating a sense of purity and elegance. The color is described as white-white-NN155C, indicating a clear and bright white shade. This unicolored distribution of color adds to its visual appeal and makes it an ideal choice for various occasions and settings.

In terms of size, the 'San Remo' Freesia has a flower diameter ranging from 6 to 6.5 cm. This makes it a medium-sized flower, not too small to be overlooked, yet not too large to overpower other blooms in a bouquet. Its size allows it to be versatile in its use, whether as the focal point of an arrangement or as a complementary addition to other flowers.

Overall, the 'San Remo' Freesia is a captivating flower that combines elegance, fragrance, and beauty in one charming package. Its single flower type, sweet scent, unicolored white shade, and medium-sized blooms make it an exquisite choice for any floral arrangement or display. Whether gifted to a loved one or used to enhance the ambiance of a room, the 'San Remo' Freesia is sure to captivate all who encounter it.

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