Freesia single flowered 'Calgary'

Freesia single flowered 'Calgary'
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Entire
Flower scent Different; Sweet scented
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Flower color White; White-white-999D
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Inflorescence Multi-flowered
Structure (tissues) Herbaceous
Leaf division Simple
Plant, growth type Erect
Flower color distribution Multi-colored

The captivating beauty of the Freesia single flowered 'Calgary' is a sight to behold. This delicate flower boasts a stunning fragrance that sets it apart from other varieties of Freesia. With its sweet scent, it can transport you to a garden filled with the most enchanting aromas.

The leaves of the Freesia 'Calgary' are characterized by their pointed or acute tips and entire margins. Their lanceolate shape adds to the elegance of this plant. As foliage leaves, they provide a lush green backdrop to the exquisite white flowers.

Speaking of flowers, the Freesia 'Calgary' showcases a unique coloration. The petals are predominantly white, but they are beautifully streaked with a white-white-999D pattern, creating an eye-catching multi-colored effect. This adds a touch of vibrancy to the overall appearance of the plant.

The inflorescence of the Freesia 'Calgary' is multi-flowered, meaning that it produces multiple blooms on a single stem. This abundance of flowers only enhances the visual appeal of this variety. Imagine a cluster of white and multi-colored flowers delicately swaying in the breeze - it's a truly mesmerizing sight.

In terms of its growth habit, the Freesia 'Calgary' is erect, meaning it stands tall and proud. Its herbaceous structure gives it a graceful, yet sturdy, presence in the garden. Whether planted in containers or in the ground, this variety will undoubtedly grab attention and leave a lasting impression.

The Freesia 'Calgary' is an excellent choice for gardeners who want to add a touch of elegance and fragrance to their outdoor spaces. Whether planted as a single plant or in mass plantings, its striking multi-colored flowers will undoubtedly create a focal point in any garden or floral arrangement.

So, why not bring a touch of sweet-scented magic to your garden with the exquisite Freesia 'Calgary'? Its beauty, fragrance, and unique flower colors are sure to make a lasting impression and bring joy to any outdoor space.

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