Freesia single flowered 'Crystal River'

Freesia single flowered 'Crystal River'
Flower type Single
Flower scent Normal
Flower color White-white-999D
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Inflorescence Cincinnus

Freesias are popular flowering plants known for their delightful fragrance. Among the numerous varieties available, one standout is the Freesia single flowered 'Crystal River.' This particular cultivar displays a remarkable combination of characteristics that make it a favorite among gardeners.

When it comes to flower type, the 'Crystal River' Freesia exhibits single blooms. This means each stem produces a solitary flower, showcasing its beauty individually rather than in clusters. This attribute allows the delicate flowers to command attention and stand out in any floral arrangement or garden bed.

Regarding scent, the 'Crystal River' Freesia maintains a normal fragrance. This means it emits a classic floral scent that is both pleasing and captivating. The scent of Freesias is often described as sweet and refreshing, creating a delightful aroma that can fill a room or garden with its charm.

In terms of color, this cultivar of Freesia presents striking white blossoms. The color description, "White-white-999D," indicates a pure and pristine white shade. The flowers' pristine white hue adds a touch of elegance and purity to any bouquet or garden ensemble, making it a popular choice for weddings and other special occasions.

The 'Crystal River' Freesia boasts flower diameters ranging between 6 and 6.5 centimeters. These moderately sized blooms strike a perfect balance between being visually impactful while remaining delicate and charming. Their size allows them to fit seamlessly into various floral arrangements, making them versatile for different design purposes.

Another notable feature of the 'Crystal River' Freesia is its inflorescence type, known as cincinnus. Inflorescence refers to the arrangement of flowers on a stem or stalk. The cincinnus arrangement consists of a cluster of flowers, each arising from the same point on the stem. This characteristic gives the 'Crystal River' Freesia a neat and organized appearance, accentuating the beauty and symmetry of the flowers.

Overall, the Freesia single flowered 'Crystal River' is a captivating and versatile plant. Its single blooms, normal fragrance, pristine white color, moderate flower size, and cincinnus inflorescence type make it a remarkable addition to any garden or floral arrangement. Whether used in bouquets or planted in garden beds, the 'Crystal River' Freesia is sure to bring elegance and a touch of nature's splendor wherever it is found.

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