Freesia single flowered 'Aladin'

Freesia single flowered 'Aladin'
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Entire
Flower scent Different
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-012A
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Inflorescence Multi-flowered
Structure (tissues) Herbaceous
Leaf division Simple
Plant, growth type Erect
Flower color distribution Multi-colored

The Freesia single flowered 'Aladin' is a stunning variety of Freesia with unique characteristics that make it stand out among other flowers. This particular Freesia has pointed or acute leaf tips and entire leaf margins, giving it a sharp and elegant appearance.

One of the distinguishing features of the 'Aladin' Freesia is its different flower scent. While most Freesias have a similar fragrance, the 'Aladin' variety offers a refreshing and distinct scent that sets it apart from others.

The leaf type of this Freesia is a foliage leaf, meaning it is primarily grown for its beautiful leaves rather than its flowers. The lanceolate shape of the leaves further adds to the overall aesthetic of the plant.

When it comes to the flower color, the 'Aladin' Freesia boasts a vibrant yellow hue, specifically categorized as medium yellow-012A. The richness of this color adds a touch of warmth and cheerfulness to any garden or floral arrangement.

The inflorescence of the 'Aladin' Freesia is multi-flowered, meaning that multiple flowers bloom from each stem. This abundance of blossoms creates a visually striking display, making it a favorite choice for floral enthusiasts.

In terms of its structure, the 'Aladin' Freesia has herbaceous tissues, which means the plant is non-woody and primarily consists of soft, green tissue. This makes it ideal for gardeners who prefer plants with a more flexible and pliable nature.

The leaf division of this Freesia is simple, meaning the leaves are undivided and have a sleek and streamlined appearance. This simplicity allows the stunning flowers to take center stage and be the focal point of attention.

When it comes to growth, the 'Aladin' Freesia is an erect plant, meaning it grows in an upright manner. This allows it to showcase its flowers prominently and create an impressive display in any garden or landscape.

Lastly, the flower color distribution of the 'Aladin' Freesia is multi-colored. This means that individual flowers may have variations in color, adding even more visual interest and excitement to the plant.

Overall, the Freesia single flowered 'Aladin' is a captivating variety of Freesia with its unique characteristics. From its pointed leaf tips to its distinct scent and multi-colored flowers, this Freesia is sure to make a statement in any garden or floral arrangement. Its erect growth type and herbaceous tissues add to its visual appeal, making it a popular choice among gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike.

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