Gerbera mini spider shaped Kanfetta

Gerbera mini spider shaped Kanfetta
Flower type Single; Slightly doubled
Flower color Pink-medium purple-N074B
Flower diameter 7,5 - 8 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Gerbera, also known as the Transvaal Daisy, is a popular flower that is loved for its striking looks and vibrant colors. Among the different varieties of Gerbera, one that stands out is the mini spider-shaped Kanfetta.

The Gerbera Kanfetta is a single or slightly doubled flower with a unique shape that resembles a spider. This distinct characteristic sets it apart from other Gerbera varieties and makes it a fascinating addition to any flower arrangement.

One of the standout features of the Kanfetta is its stunning color. The flower displays a range of hues, from pink to medium purple. The specific color code for this variety is N074B, which gives it a mesmerizing shade that instantly catches the eye.

With a diameter of 7.5 to 8 centimeters, the Gerbera Kanfetta is neither too large nor too small. This size makes it versatile and allows it to be used in various floral designs, bouquets, or even as stand-alone decorations.

The inflorescence of the Gerbera Kanfetta is known as the Capitulum, or more commonly referred to as the flower head. This particular inflorescence type is compact and showcases the flowers in a clustered arrangement. The Capitulum gives the Kanfetta an elegant and organized look, making it even more visually appealing.

One of the intriguing aspects of the Gerbera Kanfetta is its unicolored flower color distribution. Each petal of this variety displays a consistent shade without any variation or gradient. This uniform color distribution adds a touch of simplicity and sophistication to the flower.

Whether used as a centerpiece on a dining table, incorporated into a bridal bouquet, or given as a gift, the Gerbera Kanfetta is sure to make a lasting impression. Its spider-like shape, stunning color, and captivating inflorescence make it a standout choice for anyone looking to add a touch of elegance and uniqueness to their floral arrangements.

In conclusion, the Gerbera Kanfetta is a captivating variety of Gerbera that brings a fresh twist to the classic Transvaal Daisy. Its spider-shaped flowers, lovely pink to medium purple color, compact inflorescence, and unicolored petals make it a delightful choice for any occasion.

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