Gerbera mini spider shaped Querido

Gerbera mini spider shaped Querido
Flower type Slightly doubled; Single
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-012A
Flower diameter 7,5 - 8 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Gerbera mini spider shaped Querido, also known as the Transvaal Daisy, is a beautiful flower with its unique characteristics. It has a slightly doubled flower type and comes in a stunning shade of yellow-medium yellow-012A. The flower diameter measures between 7.5 to 8 cm, making it a compact and eye-catching bloom.

One notable feature of the Gerbera mini spider shaped Querido is its inflorescence, which is in the form of a capitulum or a head. This gives the flower an elegant and organized appearance, with all the petals neatly arranged in a circular pattern around the center.

What makes this flower even more fascinating is its unicolored distribution. This means that the entire flower displays the same shade of yellow, without any variations or gradients. This uniform color distribution adds to its allure and makes it a standout choice for floral arrangements, bouquets, or even as a single stem.

The Gerbera mini spider shaped Querido is a popular choice among flower enthusiasts and florists alike due to its versatility and aesthetic appeal. It can easily brighten up any space with its vibrant and cheerful color, and its compact size makes it suitable for various occasions and settings.

Whether used in weddings, home decor, or gift arrangements, this flower is sure to leave a lasting impression. Its spider-shaped petals add a whimsical touch to any floral arrangement, making it a preferred choice for those who want to add a touch of uniqueness and elegance to their floral displays.

In terms of care, the Gerbera mini spider shaped Querido requires regular watering, preferably through the roots, and should be placed in a well-draining soil. This flower thrives in moderate temperatures and prefers a spot with plenty of sunlight.

Overall, the Gerbera mini spider shaped Querido, with its slightly doubled flower type, charming yellow-medium yellow-012A color, captivating capitulum inflorescence, and unicolored distribution, is a captivating flower that brings joy and beauty to any space. Its unique characteristics make it a beloved choice among flower enthusiasts who appreciate its striking appearance and versatility in floral arrangements.

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