Gladiolus tubergenii 'Bibi'

Gladiolus tubergenii 'Bibi'
Flower type Single
Flower color Pink-medium blue pink-062B; Pink-medium purple red-N066A
Flower diameter 7,5 - 8 cm
Inflorescence length 30 - 40 cm
Flower color distribution Feathered; Multi-colored

The Gladiolus tubergenii 'Bibi' is a stunning variety of Sword Lily that is sure to catch the eye with its beautiful single flowers. The flower color of this particular cultivar is a mesmerizing combination of pink-medium blue pink and pink-medium purple red.

Measuring at a diameter of 7.5 to 8 centimeters, the flowers of the Gladiolus tubergenii 'Bibi' are large and vibrant. They are held on inflorescence stems that can reach lengths of 30 to 40 centimeters, making for an impressive display.

What sets this variety apart is its unique color distribution. The petals are feathered, creating a captivating visual effect. Additionally, the flowers are multi-colored, showcasing the beautiful blend of pinks, blues, and purples in each bloom.

In the garden, the Gladiolus tubergenii 'Bibi' can serve as a focal point, bringing a splash of color to any landscape. Planted in groups or mixed with other flowers, it creates a stunning display that is sure to be a conversation starter.

This sword lily variety is also a popular choice for cut flower arrangements. Its long-lasting blooms make it a valuable addition to any bouquet or floral arrangement. The vibrant colors and feathery petals add a touch of elegance to any floral design.

When it comes to growing the Gladiolus tubergenii 'Bibi', it prefers a sunny location with well-drained soil. It can be planted in the ground or in containers, making it a versatile choice for both garden beds and patio displays. Regular watering and occasional fertilization will help maintain the plant's health and promote abundant flowering.

Overall, the Gladiolus tubergenii 'Bibi' is a remarkable and distinct variety of Sword Lily. Its single flowers with feathered and multi-colored petals make it a true standout in any garden or floral arrangement. Whether planted in the ground or showcased in a vase, this cultivar is sure to bring joy and beauty to any space.

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