Gladiolus (Small-flowered Grp) Glamini Tom

Gladiolus (Small-flowered Grp) Glamini Tom
Flower type Single
Flower color Red-dark purple red-053A
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Flower diameter 8 - 8,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower, secondary color(s) White-white-999D; Red-dark purple red-187B

Gladiolus Glamini Tom, also known as the Sword Lily, is a beautiful flower that belongs to the Small-flowered Group of gladioli. With its striking colors and lanceolate-shaped leaves, it is a popular choice for gardens and floral arrangements.

The flowers of Gladiolus Glamini Tom are single, meaning they have only one row of petals. The primary color of the petals is a rich red-dark purple, specifically classified as red-053A. This deep hue adds a touch of elegance to any flower bed or bouquet.

The inflorescence of this gladiolus is a raceme, which means the flowers are arranged along a central stalk, with the oldest flowers at the bottom and the youngest at the top. This gives the plant a graceful and elongated appearance.

The leaves of the Gladiolus Glamini Tom are lanceolate in shape, meaning they are narrow and taper to a point at both ends. The main color of the leaves is a dark green, providing a beautiful contrast to the vibrant color of the flowers.

One unique feature of this gladiolus is that it has secondary colors on its petals. The secondary colors include white, classified as white-999D, and another shade of red-dark purple, specifically classified as red-187B. These secondary colors add depth and complexity to the overall appearance of the flower.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the Gladiolus Glamini Tom is its flower diameter. The flowers of this variety typically measure between 8 and 8.5 cm, making them an ideal size for bouquets and floral arrangements. Their medium size allows them to stand out without overpowering other flowers.

Gladiolus Glamini Tom is a versatile and stunning addition to any garden or floral display. Its vibrant colors, lanceolate-shaped leaves, and raceme inflorescence make it an eye-catching and unique flower. Whether planted in a garden or used in a bouquet, this gladiolus is sure to bring beauty and elegance to any setting.

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