Gladiolus (Small-flowered Grp) Glamini Emily

Gladiolus (Small-flowered Grp) Glamini Emily
Flower type Single
Flower color Red-medium red pink-051A; Red-dark red-045B
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Flower diameter 7 - 7,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower, secondary color(s) Pink-light red pink-038C; White-white-999D

The Gladiolus Glamini Emily, also known as the Sword Lily, is a stunning flower that belongs to the Small-flowered Group of Gladiolus. With its vibrant colors and elegant form, it has become a popular choice for garden enthusiasts and flower lovers alike.

One of the standout features of the Glamini Emily is its single flower type. Unlike some other gladiolus varieties that have multiple blooms per stem, the Glamini Emily showcases a single, magnificent flower. This gives it a more refined and sophisticated look, making it an ideal choice for floral arrangements or as a focal point in any garden.

The flower color of the Glamini Emily varies from a medium red-pink (051A) to a dark red (045B). The combination of these rich hues adds depth and intensity to the flower, making it a true showstopper. The petals have a lustrous sheen, further enhancing its visual appeal.

The flower diameter of the Glamini Emily ranges from 7 to 7.5 cm, making it a medium-sized gladiolus. This size is perfect for creating a balanced and harmonious display when combined with other flowers or foliage. Its inflorescence is in the form of a raceme, where the flowers bloom in a compact, clustered arrangement along the stem. This creates a beautiful cascade of color when the flowers are in full bloom.

The lanceolate-shaped leaves of the Glamini Emily have a dark green color, providing a striking contrast to the vibrant flowers. The dark green backdrop helps to highlight the flower's colors and brings out its beauty even more. The leaves are slender and elongated, adding a touch of elegance to the overall appearance of the plant.

In addition to the primary color, the Glamini Emily also features secondary colors that add a touch of variety to its overall look. These secondary colors include a pink-light red (038C) and white (999D). These colors can appear as streaks or specks on the petals, further enhancing the visual interest and adding a sense of delicacy to the flower.

Overall, the Gladiolus Glamini Emily is a sensational flower that effortlessly combines elegance and vibrancy. Its single flower type, varying shades of red, lanceolate-shaped leaves, and secondary colors make it a magnificent choice for any garden or floral arrangement. Whether used as a standalone feature or in combination with other flowers, the Glamini Emily is sure to captivate anyone who lays eyes upon it.

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