Grevillea johnsonii

Grevillea johnsonii
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Pink-light blue pink-055C
Leaf, general shape Linear
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf size 15 - 20 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower, secondary color(s) Red-dark purple red-053A

Grevillea johnsonii, commonly known as the Spider Flower, is a stunning plant that adds beauty to any garden or landscape. With its pointed or acute leaf tips and dark green linear-shaped leaves, this plant is visually striking. The Spider Flower is native to Australia and is a member of the Proteaceae family.

One of the most notable aspects of the Spider Flower is its inflorescence, which is in the form of a raceme. This means that multiple individual flowers are arranged along a central stem, creating a beautiful cluster of blooms. The flowers of Grevillea johnsonii come in a range of colors, from pink to light blue pink-055C. The secondary color of the flowers is a rich red-dark purple red-053A.

While the flowers of the Spider Flower are captivating, it is important to note that they are unscented. Despite the lack of fragrance, their vibrant colors make up for it, attracting pollinators such as birds and bees. The nectar-rich blooms also serve as a valuable food source for these creatures.

The leaves of Grevillea johnsonii are 15 to 20 cm long, providing an abundant green backdrop to the colorful flowers. Their dark green hue adds depth and contrast to the overall appearance of the plant. The combination of the dark green leaves and the varying shades of pink and red flowers creates a visually stunning display.

When it comes to care, the Spider Flower is relatively low maintenance. It thrives in well-draining soil and prefers a sunny location. This plant is drought-tolerant once established, making it a suitable choice for water-wise gardens. Pruning is not usually necessary, but it can be done to maintain shape or size.

Grevillea johnsonii, with its beautiful inflorescence, striking leaf shape, and vibrant flower colors, is an excellent addition to any garden or landscape. Its ability to attract pollinators and its low maintenance requirements make it a favorite among gardeners. Whether planted as a focal point or as part of a mixed border, the Spider Flower is sure to captivate all who see it.

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