Gypsophila paniculata White Fire

Gypsophila paniculata White Fire
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color White-white-999D
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Flower diameter 1 - 10 mm
Inflorescence Corymb
soil pH requirement Alkaline (pH > 7,5); Neutral (pH 6,5 - 7,5)
Light conditions Sunny
Leaf, main color Green grey

Gypsophila paniculata, commonly known as Baby's Breath, is a delicate and graceful flowering plant that adds beauty and charm to any garden or floral arrangement. One particular cultivar that stands out is the White Fire, with its stunning double white flowers and lanceolate leaves.

The flower type of the White Fire variety is pleniflorous, meaning that it has multiple layers of petals, giving the flowers a full and voluminous appearance. The pristine white color of the blossoms adds an ethereal and romantic touch to any setting. Its flower diameter ranges from 1 to 10 mm, making it perfect for enhancing bouquets or creating dainty floral decorations.

The inflorescence of Gypsophila paniculata White Fire is arranged in corymb clusters, where the flowers are set in rounded, flat-topped clusters at the ends of stems. This creates a beautiful display of flowers in a well-organized and visually pleasing arrangement.

When it comes to its growing conditions, Gypsophila paniculata White Fire prefers alkaline or neutral soil pH. It thrives best in soils with a pH above 7.5 or ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. This makes it suitable for a wide range of gardens, as long as the soil is not overly acidic.

In terms of light requirements, Gypsophila paniculata White Fire flourishes in sunny conditions. It appreciates full sun exposure, where it can soak up the warmth and benefit from ample light. This makes it an excellent choice for sunny garden borders or containers placed in areas that receive abundant sunlight.

The lanceolate leaves of this variety are a beautiful green-grey color, adding a contrasting and complementary element to the white blossoms. The elongated shape of the leaves gives them a distinct appearance and further adds to the plant's overall aesthetic appeal.

Gypsophila paniculata White Fire is not only a popular choice for gardeners and florists but also as an attractive addition to weddings and special occasions. Its delicate and romantic appearance makes it a favorite filler flower in bridal bouquets and arrangements, adding a touch of elegance and softness.

When it comes to caring for Gypsophila paniculata White Fire, it is a relatively low-maintenance plant. It generally requires regular watering, especially during dry spells, to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Pruning the plant after flowering can help promote new growth and maintain a compact and tidy appearance.

In conclusion, Gypsophila paniculata White Fire is a stunning cultivar of the popular Baby's Breath plant. Its double white flowers, lanceolate leaves, and preferred alkaline to neutral soil pH make it an ideal choice for various garden settings. Whether used in floral arrangements or as a charming addition to a sunny garden, this variety is sure to captivate and enchant with its delicate beauty.

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