Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Large, short-lived flowers

Latin name Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Homeland Asia, Africa
Family Malvaceae
Cultivation simple
Location illuminated, but not in the open sun
Temperature 18-20 °C
Watering plentiful in spring and summer
Flowering time from late spring to autumn
Height up to 1.5 m
Transplanting in spring
Appearance maintenance remove dust with a damp sponge

The genus Hibiscus, or Hibiscus (Hibiscus), includes about 250 species, some of them are tender herbaceous annuals or perennials, and therefore they are difficult to grow in cold climates. They are grown as indoor crops, and in summer they are taken out on balconies and terraces. In mild climates, hibiscus can be grown even outdoors. The most common, without any doubt, is the Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), a perennial species characterized by large dark green oval leaves with a serrated edge. The pistil and stamens protrude from a large funnel-shaped perianth. The flowers do not last long (no more than two days), but the flowering period is long: from late spring to autumn. Their color in botanical species is bright red, but on sale you can find the most diverse varieties with simple and double flowers, painted in various tones of red, pink, yellow, orange, white.

The genus Hibiscus, or Hibiscus (Hibiscus), includes about 250 species, some of them are tender herbaceous annuals or perennials, and therefore they are difficult to grow in cold climates. They are grown as indoor crops, and in summer they are taken out on balconies and terraces. In mild climates, hibiscus can be grown even outdoors.

The most common, without any doubt, is the Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), a perennial species characterized by large dark green oval leaves with a serrated edge. The pistil and stamens protrude from a large funnel-shaped perianth. The flowers do not last long (no more than two days), but the flowering period is long: from late spring to autumn. Their color in botanical species is bright red, but on sale you can find the most diverse varieties with simple and double flowers, painted in various tones of red, pink, yellow, orange, white.


quickly. The location is illuminated, but away from the window and protected from drafts, in summer the culture is exposed to the balcony or terrace. Plants require abundant watering, plenty of light, daily spraying and regular top dressing - throughout the growing season, about 1 time in 2 weeks, mineral fertilizer is added to the water for irrigation at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters. In early spring, simultaneously with the transplant, the plants are pruned, which contributes to better branching.


Chinese hibiscus requires a lot of light, but not direct sun.


In no case should the winter temperature decrease below 10 °C. The optimal air temperature during the period of active growth is 18-20 °C.


In spring and summer, watering should be plentiful, but not excessive, since hibiscus trees do not tolerate stagnant water in the soil. In winter, watering is reduced, only constantly maintain the soil in a slightly moist state. During the flowering period, it is very important to regularly spray the plant with water, keep the pot in a tray with wet pebbles. Thus, you can avoid falling buds, which always occurs in conditions of excessive dryness of the air.


Hibiscus is transplanted into a new, larger pot every spring. This is done until the diameter of the pot finally reaches about 30 cm. When transshipment, fill the pot with the same soil that is used for the main cultivation of plants.


It is enough to remove dry and randomly growing branches from time to time and brush the dust from the leaves with a damp cloth.


Propagated by cuttings of annual shoots in July-August. Cuttings are placed in the soil, which is a mixture of sand and peat in equal parts, at a temperature of 20-22 °C and high humidity. After the roots are formed, they are planted singly in pots with a diameter of approximately 10 cm. Often they already bloom in the first year.


Aphids and worms damage plants, slow down their development, and cause death. These pests are eliminated by treating the plants with appropriate preparations, making sure that insecticides do not get on the opened flowers during treatment in order to avoid burns and stains. The fall of foliage in winter is often associated with low air temperature.


Chinese hibiscus can be purchased at flower shops and gardening centers. Spring is the best time to shop. Choose a compact plant with lots of buds and shiny dark green foliage.

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