Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Improved Sunny Ankara

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Improved Sunny Ankara
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Flower scent Unscented
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Flower color Orange-medium orange-024A
Soil fertility No poor soils
Leaf, general shape Ovate (egg-shaped)
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Structure (tissues) Woody
Light conditions Sunny
Leaf division Simple
Plant, growth type Erect
Flower, secondary color(s) Orange-dark orange-028B
Moisture requirements Well-drained
Soil type Humus rich

Introducing the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Improved Sunny Ankara - Rose of China

If you're a fan of vibrant colors and unique floral scents, there's a new addition to the hibiscus family that you may want to consider adding to your garden - the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Improved Sunny Ankara, also known as the Rose of China.

One of the standout features of this hibiscus variety is its pointed or acute leaf tips, giving the plant a distinctive look compared to other hibiscus species. Although the flower does not emit any scent, its bold and captivating appearance more than compensates for it. The flower color ranges from a medium orange with shade number 024A, making it a striking addition to any landscape or garden.

When it comes to soil fertility, the Rose of China prefers well-nourished soil and does not thrive in poor soils. Therefore, it's important to ensure that the soil has adequate nutrients for the plant to flourish. The leaf shape of this hibiscus species is generally ovate or egg-shaped, adding to its unique appearance.

The inflorescence of the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Improved Sunny Ankara is single-flowered, meaning that each stem produces a single magnificent blossom. This makes it a perfect choice for those looking to create a focal point or add a pop of color to their garden.

In terms of its makeup, this hibiscus plant possesses woody tissues, indicating its firm structure and ability to withstand different weather conditions. It prefers bright and sunny light conditions, ensuring it thrives under direct sunlight. Therefore, it's important to find a location in your garden that receives ample sunlight throughout the day.

The leaves of this hibiscus variety are simple, with no divisions, which makes them easy to recognize and distinguish from other species. The growth type of the plant is erect, meaning it grows vertically rather than sprawling or cascading.

The secondary colors of the Rose of China's flowers are dark orange with shade number 028B. This adds depth and complexity to the overall appearance of the plant, creating a visually stunning display.

While this hibiscus variety prefers well-drained soil, it also requires a moderate amount of moisture. Therefore, it's important to find a balance and ensure the soil is consistently moist but not waterlogged. A humus-rich soil type is ideal for this plant, providing the necessary organic matter and nutrients for healthy growth.

In conclusion, the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Improved Sunny Ankara - Rose of China - is a beautiful addition to any garden or landscape. With its distinctive leaf shape, captivating flower color, and preference for sunny conditions, this hibiscus species is sure to attract attention and admiration. Just make sure to provide it with well-nourished, well-drained soil, and it will reward you with its stunning blooms year after year.

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