Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Amethyst (green)

Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Amethyst (green)
Flower type Single
Flower color Green-medium green-144A; Green-light green-145C
Flower diameter 3,5 - 4 cm
Inflorescence Hemispherical
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
soil pH requirement Alkaline (pH > 7,5); Neutral (pH 6,5 - 7,5); Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5)
Light conditions Sunny; Semi-shades
Inflorescence diameter 15 - 20 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Pink-light blue pink-055C
Moisture requirements Moist; Well-drained

Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Amethyst is a captivating variety of hydrangea that boasts a unique and enchanting green color. With its single flower type and medium to light green shades, this hydrangea is sure to be a standout in any garden or landscape.

The flowering blooms of Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Amethyst are small in size, measuring between 3.5 and 4 centimeters in diameter. The inflorescence of this hydrangea is hemispherical, giving it a delightful and rounded appearance when in full bloom.

The leaves of this hydrangea variety are large, ranging between 10 and 15 centimeters in size. Their main color is a lush dark green, providing a striking contrast to the green flowers.

Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Amethyst thrives in a variety of soil pH conditions. It can tolerate alkaline soil with a pH greater than 7.5, as well as neutral soil with a pH ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. This hydrangea can also adapt to slightly acidic soil with a pH between 4.5 and 6.5. Its versatility in soil requirements makes it an excellent choice for many different gardens.

In terms of light conditions, Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Amethyst can be grown in both sunny areas and semi-shaded spots. It has the ability to flourish and produce beautiful blooms in a range of lighting situations, making it a versatile option for any garden or outdoor space.

When fully matured, the inflorescence of Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Amethyst can reach an impressive diameter of 15 to 20 centimeters. This generous size ensures that the blooms will be highly visible and will make a bold statement in the garden.

The flower color distribution of this hydrangea variety is primarily unicolored with a trace of secondary color. The secondary color is described as a pink-light blue pink shade, known as 055C. This adds depth and visual interest to the overall appearance of the flowers, creating a captivating display.

Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Amethyst has specific moisture requirements to thrive. It prefers moist soil conditions that are also well-drained. This means that it requires a balance of water saturation and proper drainage to maintain optimal health and growth.

In conclusion, Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Amethyst is a truly remarkable variety of hydrangea. Its unique green blooms, large dark green leaves, and adaptability to different soil and light conditions make it a versatile and captivating addition to any garden. With its striking appearance and specific moisture requirements, this hydrangea can be a vibrant and eye-catching focal point in your outdoor space.

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