Hypericum x inodorum Magical Indian Fall

Hypericum x inodorum Magical Indian Fall
Fruit type Berry
Fruit shape Ovall-globose
Fruit color Brown-dark brown purple-183A
Fruit size 1 - 1,5 cm
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Light conditions Sunny; Semi-shades
Leaf, main color Dark green

Hypericum x inodorum Magical Indian Fall, also known as Tutsan or St. John's Wort, is a remarkable plant with several noteworthy features. One of its standout characteristics is its fruit, which is produced in the form of small, ovall-globose berries. The fruit color ranges from a rich, brown-dark brown shade to a vibrant purple hue known as 183A. These berries measure between 1 to 1.5 cm in size, making them quite small but visually striking.

When it comes to the plant's foliage, the leaves of Hypericum x inodorum Magical Indian Fall are equally impressive. The leaf size typically ranges from 5 to 7.5 cm, creating a lush and verdant appearance. The primary color of the leaves is a dark green shade, adding a touch of elegance and beauty to any garden or landscape.

One of the reasons why Hypericum x inodorum Magical Indian Fall is a popular choice among gardeners is its adaptability to various light conditions. It thrives in areas with sunny exposure but can also withstand semi-shaded environments. This versatility allows for greater flexibility when incorporating the plant into different garden designs.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Hypericum x inodorum Magical Indian Fall possesses some medicinal properties. St. John's Wort has long been recognized for its potential health benefits and is often used to address mood disorders and alleviate mild to moderate depression. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

As with any plant, proper care is essential to ensure the well-being and longevity of Hypericum x inodorum Magical Indian Fall. It is recommended to plant it in well-draining soil and provide regular watering. Pruning can be done in early spring to maintain a compact and tidy appearance.

Overall, Hypericum x inodorum Magical Indian Fall, with its distinctive fruit, lush foliage, and adaptability to various light conditions, is a valuable addition to any garden. Whether for its striking appearance or potential health benefits, this plant is sure to captivate and enhance any outdoor space.

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