Leucospermum cordifolium 'Gold Dust'

Leucospermum cordifolium 'Gold Dust'
Flower color Red-medium red-045C
Flower diameter 9,5 - 10 cm
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf, main color Medium green
Flower, secondary color(s) Orange-orange red-040D; Yellow-dark yellow-013A

Leucospermum cordifolium 'Gold Dust' is a stunning plant that captures attention with its medium red flowers and dark green leaves. With a flower diameter ranging from 9.5 to 10 cm, these blooms are quite prominent and can make a bold statement in any garden or landscape.

The main color of the leaves is a rich medium green, providing a beautiful backdrop for the vibrant flowers. The leaves themselves are relatively small, measuring between 5 and 7.5 cm in size. This compact foliage adds to the overall visual appeal of the plant, creating a balanced and harmonious look.

One of the distinctive features of Leucospermum cordifolium 'Gold Dust' is its secondary flower colors, which consist of an orange-red hue labeled as "orange-red-040D" and a deep yellow shade labeled as "yellow-dark yellow-013A". These secondary colors provide a captivating contrast to the primary red hue of the flowers. The combination of these vibrant hues creates a remarkable display that is sure to attract attention and evoke feelings of warmth and joy.

In terms of care and cultivation, Leucospermum cordifolium 'Gold Dust' is considered to be a relatively low-maintenance plant. It thrives in full sun and prefers well-draining soil. Regular watering is necessary, particularly during dry periods, to ensure the plant remains healthy and vibrant.

This variety of Leucospermum cordifolium is known for its ability to attract pollinators, especially bees and butterflies. The bright, nectar-rich flowers are a magnet for these beneficial insects, contributing to a thriving ecosystem in your garden.

Leucospermum cordifolium 'Gold Dust' can be a stunning addition to any garden or landscape, whether as a focal point or as part of a mixed planting scheme. Its striking red flowers, complemented by the contrasting secondary colors, will undoubtedly create a captivating and eye-catching scene. Furthermore, this plant's low maintenance requirements make it an excellent choice for both experienced and novice gardeners.

So, if you are looking to add a touch of vibrancy and elegance to your outdoor space, consider incorporating Leucospermum cordifolium 'Gold Dust' into your garden. With its alluring flowers and compact, glossy foliage, it is sure to become a focal point and bring joy to all who admire it.

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