Lilium Oriental Grp Parrot Pink

Lilium Oriental Grp Parrot Pink
Flower type Single
Flower color Pink-dark blue pink-067B; White-white-NN155C
Leaf, general shape Elongate; Elliptic / oval
Flower diameter 14 - 15 cm
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Multi-colored; Feathered
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-light yellow-008C; Pink-medium purple-067A

The Lilium Oriental Grp Parrot Pink, also known as the Parrot Lily, is a beautiful flower that is sure to capture your attention. This stunning flower features single petals that come in a variety of colors and patterns.

The primary color of the Parrot Lily is a striking pink-dark blue shade, labeled as pink-067B. However, there are also variations available in white with a white-NN155C label. These color options give the Parrot Lily a captivating appearance and make it a popular choice for floral arrangements and garden displays.

The leaves of the Parrot Lily have an elongated and oval shape, adding to its unique charm. The general leaf color is a rich dark green, providing a lovely contrast against the vibrant pink or white petals. The size of the leaves ranges from 10 to 15 cm, making them a prominent feature alongside the large flowers.

Speaking of flowers, the Parrot Lily boasts an impressive flower diameter of 14 to 15 cm. This generous size ensures that the blooms will make a statement wherever they are displayed. Combined with the multi-colored and feathered distribution of the flower's colors, the Parrot Lily truly stands out amongst other lilies.

The Parrot Lily has additional secondary colors that further enhance its beauty. The flowers showcase stunning shades of yellow-light yellow labeled as yellow-008C, and pink-medium purple labeled as pink-067A. These secondary colors create a captivating contrast and make the Parrot Lily a favorite among lily enthusiasts.

Whether used as a focal point in a floral arrangement or planted in a garden, the Lilium Oriental Grp Parrot Pink, with its outstanding colors and patterns, is sure to be a showstopper. Its generous flower size, striking color distribution, and secondary color accents make it an exquisite choice for anyone looking to add a touch of elegance to their surroundings.

In conclusion, the Parrot Lily is a truly remarkable flower that captivates with its single petals and unique color combinations. Its dark green leaves provide an excellent backdrop for the vibrant pink-dark blue or white hues. With a flower diameter of 14 to 15 cm and additional secondary colors of yellow-light yellow and pink-medium purple, the Parrot Lily is a must-have for all flower enthusiasts. Whether enjoyed in a bouquet or admired in a garden, this stunning flower is sure to be a breathtaking sight.

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