Lilium (Longiflorum Grp) 'White Magic'

Lilium (Longiflorum Grp) 'White Magic'
Flower type Single
Flower scent Weak
Flower color White-white-999D
Flower diameter 15 - 20 cm
Inflorescence Corymb
Leaf, main color Dark green

In the world of flowers, there is one captivating beauty that stands out among the rest - Lilium (Longiflorum Grp) 'White Magic', also known as the Lily. With its single-petaled blooms and delicate fragrance, this flower exudes an undeniable charm.

What sets 'White Magic' apart is its pristine white color. This lily is not just white, but white-white-999D, a shade that is both pure and ethereal. Its petals glisten under the gentlest rays of sunlight, creating an enchanting sight that captures the hearts of all who behold it.

Measuring between 15 to 20 cm in diameter, the flowers of 'White Magic' are a true spectacle. Each petal maintains a perfect balance between gracefulness and strength, making them an absolute delight to behold. Their arrangement in a corymb inflorescence adds to their appeal, creating a delightful cluster of blossoms.

As if its beauty wasn't enough, the 'White Magic' Lily also boasts lush foliage. Its dark green leaves serve as the perfect backdrop for its resplendent flowers, contrasting beautifully with the purity of their white hue. Together, the leaves and flowers create a stunning visual display that is truly captivating.

While the scent of 'White Magic' is described as weak, it still adds an element of charm to this already captivating flower. The delicate fragrance fills the air with a subtle sweetness, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

This Lily is a versatile addition to any garden or floral arrangement. It can be used as a focal point in a bouquet or as a striking centerpiece for a garden bed. Its elegant appearance and timeless beauty make it a popular choice for weddings and special occasions as well.

As with any flower, caring for 'White Magic' requires attention and devotion. Planting it in a well-drained soil enriched with organic matter is essential for its optimal growth. Regular watering and fertilization will ensure that it flourishes to its full potential.

Whether adorning a garden or gracing a special event, Lilium (Longiflorum Grp) 'White Magic' is a flower that leaves a lasting impression. Its single-petaled beauty, delicate scent, and stunning white color make it a true magical presence. With its dark green leaves and eye-catching inflorescence, this Lily is a symbol of elegance and allure. Embrace the enchantment of 'White Magic' and let its captivating charm sweep you off your feet.

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