Lilium (LA-hybrids Grp) Couplet

Lilium (LA-hybrids Grp) Couplet
Flower color Pink-medium blue pink-068B; White-white-999D
Leaf, general shape Linear
Flower diameter 12 - 13 cm
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Flower color distribution Bicolored

The Lilium (LA-hybrids Grp) Couplet, commonly known as the Lily, is a stunning flower that comes in a range of beautiful colors. One of the most captivating colors is the Pink-medium blue pink-068B, which adds a touch of elegance to any garden or floral arrangement. Another option is the classic White-white-999D, which brings a sense of purity and tranquility.

The Lily has distinct linear-shaped leaves that complement its vibrant flowers. These leaves are not only beautiful but also play a crucial role in the plant's overall health and growth. With a general shape that is long and narrow, the leaves add depth and texture to the Lily plant, creating a well-rounded and visually appealing appearance.

The Lily flower is fairly large, with a diameter of approximately 12-13 centimeters. This impressive size ensures that the flower stands out and catches the eye. The bold color and size combination of the Lily make it a popular choice for floral arrangements or as a focal point in a garden bed.

When it comes to leaf size, the Lily does not disappoint. Ranging from 10 to 15 centimeters, the leaves are substantial and provide the necessary support for the plant to thrive. These sizable leaves also enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the Lily, creating a lush and vibrant display.

One of the most striking features of the Lily is its bicolored flower color distribution. This means that the petals display two different colors in a harmonious pattern. Whether it's the Pink-medium blue pink-068B or the White-white-999D, the bicolored nature of the Lily adds depth and complexity to its appearance. It is this unique color distribution that further enhances the Lily's charm and makes it a favorite among flower enthusiasts.

With its stunning flower colors, linear-shaped leaves, and impressive size, the Lilium (LA-hybrids Grp) Couplet, or Lily, is a flower that demands attention. Its bicolored petals and overall aesthetic make it a popular choice for any garden or floral arrangement. Whether you choose the Pink-medium blue pink-068B or the White-white-999D, the Lily is sure to add beauty and elegance wherever it is planted.

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