Lilium martagon var. album (Species Grp)

Lilium martagon var. album (Species Grp)
Leaf arrangement spreaded
Flower type Single
Winter hardness Good (USDA-zone 5, 6)
Flower color White-white-NN155A
Soil fertility No special demands
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Flower diameter 5 - 5,5 cm
Plant height 70 - 80 cm
Flowering month(s) May; June
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Light conditions Shady
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Normal
Soil type Sandy

Lilium martagon var. album, commonly known as the Lily, is a beautiful flowering plant that belongs to the Species Grp. This particular variety of Lily boasts a stunning display of white-white flowers, which adds an elegant touch to any garden or landscape.

One of the notable features of this Lily is its spreaded leaf arrangement, where the lanceolate leaves are evenly distributed along the stem. The dark green color of the leaves provides a striking contrast to the white flowers, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the plant.

In terms of size, the Lily reaches a height of about 70 to 80 cm, making it a perfect choice for those who prefer medium-sized plants in their garden. The flowers have a diameter of 5 to 5.5 cm, creating a delightful focal point when they bloom during the months of May and June.

The Lily has good winter hardness, thriving in USDA zones 5 and 6 without any issues. It can withstand colder temperatures and is well-suited for gardens in these regions. Additionally, this variety of Lily is known for its adaptability to a variety of soil types. It does not require any special soil fertility and can do well even in sandy soils.

When it comes to light conditions, the Lily prefers shady areas, making it an ideal choice for gardens and landscapes with partially shaded spots. It thrives in normal moisture conditions, which means regular watering is sufficient to keep the plant healthy and blooming.

Overall, Lilium martagon var. album is a wonderful addition to any garden. Its beautiful white flowers, lanceolate leaves, and adaptability to a range of soil types make it an excellent choice for both seasoned gardeners and beginners. With its elegant presence and resilience against colder temperatures, this Lily variety is sure to brighten up any outdoor space.

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