
Ancestor of the redwood tree

Latin name Metasequoia
Homeland Asia
Family Cupressaceae
Cultivation simple
Location partial shade, you can also enjoy the open sun
Temperature resistant to both low and high temperatures
Watering required during periods of drought
Flowering time in March
Height up to 40 m
Transplanting not performed
Appearance maintenance not required

The genus Metasequoia consists of a single species, Metasequoia glyptostroboides. This is a stable coniferous tree, which in nature can reach about 40 m in height. It has a wide-pyramidal openwork crown. Metasequoia has a characteristic reddish-brown bark, exfoliating in long fibers. The needles are bright green, flat and narrowly linear; in autumn they acquire a bronze color and fall off for the winter along with shortened shoots. New leaves-needles appear in March, simultaneously with male and female inflorescences (metasequoia is a monoecious plant). In place of the female ones, green cones appear; when ripe, they become brown, drooping, rounded in shape.

The genus Metasequoia consists of a single species, Metasequoia glyptostroboides. This is a stable coniferous tree, which in nature can reach about 40 m in height. It has a wide-pyramidal openwork crown. Metasequoia has a characteristic reddish-brown bark, exfoliating in long fibers. The needles are bright green, flat and narrowly linear; in autumn they acquire a bronze color and fall off for the winter along with shortened shoots. New leaves-needles appear in March, simultaneously with male and female inflorescences (metasequoia is a monoecious plant). In place of the female ones, green cones appear; when ripe, they become brown, drooping, rounded in shape.


Metasequoia is a highly decorative fast-growing crop, used as a garden and park. It is better if there is a reservoir nearby, either running or standing water. In cold climates, it is planted in November, and in other climates-in February-March. Suitable for fertile and moist soil of any type, provided with good drainage. Pruning is required only for young plants to prevent the appearance of a fork in the trunk. Adult specimens look great in the conditions of natural growth, in planting they remove only dry or damaged branches. This view, it has almost absolute immunity to any diseases and pests.


It is advisable to choose a place for the plant in partial shade, you can plant it in the open sun.


This plant is characterized by both frost and heat resistance, withstands both low and high temperatures.


Required only during periods of prolonged drought.


It is propagated by seeds, and in culture also by cuttings. Seeds are not easy to get, however, for reproduction it is better to use apical semi-woody cuttings, which can be taken in June-July or in November. Cuttings taken in the summer take root only in greenhouses with a mist-forming plant. You should use a soil made from a mixture of sand and peat, taken in equal parts. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted one at a time in cups. Then, for at least 1-2 years, the seedlings are transplanted from time to time into larger containers, after which they are planted on a permanent growing site.


Metasequoia trees are relatively easy to find in specialized gardening centers and nurseries.

A newfound view Prior to World War II, Metasequoia glyptostroboides (M. glyptostroboides) was thought to be an ancestor of the redwood tree and an extinct species. But later it was discovered in China, on the territory of one of the Buddhist temples. Other specimens were also found-in the forests, from where the "living fossil" again began to spread around the planet.

A newfound view

Prior to World War II, Metasequoia glyptostroboides (M. glyptostroboides) was thought to be an ancestor of the redwood tree and an extinct species. But later it was discovered in China, on the territory of one of the Buddhist temples. Other specimens were also found-in the forests, from where the "living fossil" again began to spread around the planet.

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