Narcissus (Double Grp) 'Tahiti'

Narcissus (Double Grp) 'Tahiti'
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-004B
Flower diameter 9 - 9,5 cm
Flower color distribution Bicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) Orange-dark orange-028B

Narcissus 'Tahiti' is a stunning double-flowered daffodil variety that is sure to catch anyone's attention. With its beautiful bicolored petals, this daffodil exudes a sense of elegance and charm.

One of the standout features of 'Tahiti' is its flower color. The primary color is a delightful shade of yellow, with a medium intensity that instantly brightens up any garden. The yellow petals create a vibrant and cheerful atmosphere wherever they bloom.

But what truly sets 'Tahiti' apart is its secondary color. The inner petals of this double daffodil variety showcase a mesmerizing dark orange hue. This contrasting color adds depth and intrigue to the overall composition of the flower. The combination of yellow and dark orange creates a striking visual effect, making 'Tahiti' an eye-catching variety in any landscape or floral arrangement.

The flowers of 'Tahiti' are pleniflorous, meaning they are fully double with multiple layers of petals. This abundance of petals gives the blooms a luxurious and full appearance, almost reminiscent of a small bouquet. The petals have a diameter ranging from 9 to 9.5 cm, ensuring that each flower is a substantial presence in the garden.

When it comes to flower color distribution, 'Tahiti' perfectly exemplifies the concept of bicolored blooms. The yellow petals take center stage, while the dark orange secondary color creates a stunning contrast along the edges of the petals. This distribution adds a touch of uniqueness to each flower, making them even more captivating.

'Narcissus 'Tahiti' is a versatile daffodil variety that can be incorporated into various gardening styles and design themes. Whether planted en masse in a flowerbed or combined with other spring-blooming bulbs, its vibrant colors and double flowers are sure to create a visual spectacle.

Like all daffodils, 'Tahiti' prefers to be planted in well-draining soil and in a sunny location. This variety is known for its excellent vigor and reliability, ensuring that it will return year after year to grace your garden with its stunning blooms.

In conclusion, Narcissus 'Tahiti' is a daffodil variety that stands out with its gorgeous bicolored flowers. The combination of medium yellow and dark orange creates a captivating display that is hard to overlook. With its pleniflorous blooms and a diameter of 9 to 9.5 cm, 'Tahiti' is a true showstopper in any garden or floral arrangement. So why not add a touch of elegance and charm to your landscape with this stunning daffodil variety?

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