Narcissus (Large-cupped Grp) 'Carlton'

Narcissus (Large-cupped Grp) 'Carlton'
Flower scent Normal
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-009B; Yellow-medium yellow-012A
Flower color distribution Bicolored

Narcissus, also known as the Large-cupped Group and specifically the 'Carlton' variety, is a stunning and fragrant flower that belongs to the daffodil family. The 'Carlton' daffodil entices not only with its beautiful appearance but also with its delightful scent. With its normal scent classification, this flower is bound to add a touch of freshness and charm to any garden or floral arrangement.

One of the most notable features of the 'Carlton' daffodil is its vibrant and captivating color. The petals boast a mesmerizing shade of yellow, specifically medium yellow, with a subtle hint of brightness. The alluring color is enhanced by the presence of a secondary hue, which results in a bicolored effect. The combination of yellow-medium yellow-009B and yellow-medium yellow-012A creates a captivating contrast that is visually appealing and captivating to the eye.

The flower color distribution of the 'Carlton' daffodil adds to its allure. The bicolored effect is distributed evenly across the petals, making each blossom a masterpiece of art and nature. The careful placement of colors ensures that the flower remains visually striking from every angle, whether viewed up close or from a distance.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the 'Carlton' daffodil offers many practical benefits as well. It is a versatile flower that can thrive in various climates and soil conditions, making it an ideal choice for both experienced gardeners and beginners. The 'Carlton' daffodil is also known for its long-lasting blooms, meaning your garden or floral arrangement will be graced with its beauty for an extended period.

Furthermore, the 'Carlton' daffodil serves as a symbol of renewal and hope. Its cheerful yellow color and refreshing scent evoke feelings of joy and optimism, making it a perfect addition to any celebration or event. Whether used in bouquets, wedding decorations, or simply to brighten up a room, the 'Carlton' daffodil is guaranteed to bring a touch of happiness and positivity to any setting.

In conclusion, Narcissus 'Carlton' is a remarkable member of the Large-cupped Group of daffodils. Its yellow-medium yellow color, combined with its bicolored distribution, creates a visually striking and captivating flower. With its normal scent and versatility, this daffodil is a popular choice for any gardener or floral enthusiast. The 'Carlton' daffodil's ability to symbolize renewal and bring feelings of joy and optimism only adds to its appeal. Whether planted in gardens or used as a centerpiece, this daffodil is sure to bring beauty and positivity to any space it graces.

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