Narcissus (Trumpet Grp) 'Prizewinner'

Narcissus (Trumpet Grp) 'Prizewinner'
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-012A; Yellow-medium yellow-006A
Flower diameter 9,5 - 10 cm

The Narcissus 'Prizewinner', also known as the Trumpet Grp, is a stunning daffodil that boasts a vibrant yellow flower color. Its petals showcase a medium yellow shade, with slight variations between the shades 012A and 006A. This daffodil variety is truly a prizewinner in terms of its beauty and allure.

One of the remarkable features of the Narcissus 'Prizewinner' is its impressive flower diameter. With a size ranging from 9.5 to 10 cm, the blooms of this daffodil are quite large and eye-catching. The wide, trumpet-shaped flower heads create a striking display, whether in garden beds, borders, or containers.

The bright yellow hue of the Narcissus 'Prizewinner' adds a vibrant pop of color to any landscape. Planted en masse, these daffodils create a breathtaking carpet of yellow, while smaller clusters or individual blooms make for a charming focal point in garden designs. Their cheerful color is a true symbol of spring's arrival, bringing joy and optimism to any outdoor space.

Not only are the flowers of the Narcissus 'Prizewinner' visually appealing, but they also emit a delightful fragrance. As the sun warms the air, the sweet scent of these daffodils adds an extra dimension to the sensory experience of being in the garden. Whether planted near seating areas or in spaces where visitors frequently pass by, this daffodil variety is sure to captivate with its irresistible aroma.

Like most daffodils, the Narcissus 'Prizewinner' is relatively low-maintenance and easy to grow. They are typically planted in the fall, allowing their bulbs to establish themselves before they bloom in spring. These daffodils prefer well-draining soil and a spot in full sun or partial shade. Once planted, they require minimal care, making them an excellent choice for both seasoned and novice gardeners.

The Narcissus 'Prizewinner' is a versatile daffodil that can be incorporated into various garden styles and settings. Its height, which ranges from approximately 40 to 60 cm, allows it to fit seamlessly into flower borders, rock gardens, or even larger containers. Due to its medium yellow hue, this daffodil also pairs well with other spring-blooming bulbs, such as tulips or hyacinths, creating beautiful color combinations.

Whether you're a seasoned gardener looking to enhance your flower beds or a beginner wanting to add some spring charm to your garden, the Narcissus 'Prizewinner' is an excellent choice. Its radiant yellow color and impressive flower diameter are sure to make a statement, while its easy-care nature ensures a hassle-free gardening experience. With this prizewinner daffodil, you can bring a touch of sunshine to your outdoor spaces and welcome the arrival of spring in style.

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