
Bright Core

Nidularium schultesianum 'Striped Fireball'
Leaf margin: Dentate. Leaf, general shape: Linear. Leaf size: 15 - 20 cm. Leaf, main color: Dark green. Leaf colour, pattern: Striate; Margin. Leaf, secondary color(s): Cream.
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Nidularium schultesianum 'Fire Ball'
Leaf tip: Truncate. Leaf margin: Dentate. Leaf, general shape: Elongate. Leaf width: 2 - 3 cm. Leaf surface: Glossy. Leaf size: 20 - 25 cm. Leaf, main color: Red; Dark green.
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Nidularium billbergioides 'Citrinum'
Leaf tip: Pointed/acute. Leaf type: Foliage leaf. Flower color: Brown-medium yellow brown-163A. Leaf, general shape: Elongate. Inflorescence: Multi-flowered. Leaf surface: Glossy. Leaf size: 25 - 30 cm. Leaf division: Simple. Leaf colour, pattern: Feathered.
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