Phalaenopsis Passion 2

Phalaenopsis Passion 2
Flower color White-white-NN155D
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Flower diameter 9 - 9,5 cm
Plant height 40 - 50 cm
Leaf size 25 - 30 cm
Inflorescence length 25 - 30 cm
Lip color Purple-medium violet-N078A
Leaf, main color Dark green
Lip secondary color(s) Brown
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Multi-colored

The Phalaenopsis Passion 2 Orchid is a stunning addition to any floral display. With its white-white NN155D flower color, this orchid is sure to catch the eye of all who see it. The flower diameter measures between 9 and 9.5 cm, making it a prominent and beautiful sight.

Not only is the Phalaenopsis Passion 2 Orchid a treat for the eyes, but it also boasts an impressive plant height of 40-50 cm. This makes it a substantial and commanding presence in any room or garden. The lanceolate-shaped leaves add to its overall elegance and sophistication.

The leaf size ranges between 25 and 30 cm, providing a lush and vibrant backdrop for the orchid's blossoms. The dark green main color of the leaves adds depth and contrast to the overall appearance of the plant. Paired with the multi-colored flower color distribution, the Phalaenopsis Passion 2 Orchid is a true work of art.

The inflorescence length of 25-30 cm ensures a beautiful and flowing display of flowers. Each delicate blossom showcases the beauty and complexity of nature. The lip color of the orchid is a captivating purple-medium violet N078A, further adding to its allure.

The lip secondary color of brown complements the overall color scheme, creating a harmonious and visually appealing arrangement. The lip color distribution is multi-colored, adding an element of surprise and intrigue to the orchid's appearance.

The Phalaenopsis Passion 2 Orchid is a true testament to the wonders of nature. Its striking colors, elegant shape, and impressive size make it a showstopper in any setting. Whether displayed on its own or incorporated into a larger arrangement, this orchid is sure to bring a touch of beauty and sophistication to any space.

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