Phalaenopsis 'Champagne Gem'

Phalaenopsis 'Champagne Gem'
Leaf tip Pointed/acute; Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Entire; Entire
Flower scent Unscented; Unscented
Flower color White; White; White-white-999D; White-white-999D; White-white-999D
Leaf, general shape Elongate; Elongate
Flower diameter 7,5 - 8 cm; 7,5 - 8 cm
Inflorescence Multi-flowered; Multi-flowered
Leaf size 15 - 20 cm; 15 - 20 cm
Lip color Purple-light violet-075A; Purple-light violet-075A
Leaf, main color Dark green; Dark green
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored; Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Multi-colored; Multi-colored
Flower, secondary color(s) Purple-medium violet-077B; Purple-medium violet-077B

The Phalaenopsis 'Champagne Gem' is a stunning orchid variety that showcases an exquisite combination of features. Its leaf tips are pointed and acute, while the leaf margin is smooth and entire. This elegant orchid emits no fragrance, making it perfect for those who prefer a scent-free environment.

The flower color of the Phalaenopsis 'Champagne Gem' is a pristine white, with some varieties displaying a white-white-999D hue. The general shape of its leaves is elongated, adding to its graceful appearance. The flowers have a diameter of 7.5 to 8 cm and are arranged in multi-flowered inflorescences.

The Phalaenopsis 'Champagne Gem' has leaves that measure between 15 to 20 cm in size. The main color of the foliage is a rich dark green, providing a striking contrast to the white flowers. The lip color of this orchid variety is a captivating shade of purple-light violet-075A.

Both the lip color and the flower color of the Phalaenopsis 'Champagne Gem' exhibit multi-colored distributions, adding depth and visual interest to each bloom. Additionally, the flowers feature secondary colors of purple-medium violet-077B, which further enhance their beauty.

Caring for the Phalaenopsis 'Champagne Gem' is relatively easy, as it falls under the category of beginner-friendly orchids. This orchid variety requires moderate to bright, indirect light and enjoys humidity levels of around 50 to 70 percent. Keeping the plant in a well-ventilated area and maintaining a consistent watering schedule will help ensure its optimal growth and health.

The Phalaenopsis 'Champagne Gem' is a true gem in the world of orchids. Its striking features, including its pointed leaves, multi-colored flowers, and captivating hues, make it a desirable addition to any orchid collection. Whether displayed as a centerpiece or gifted to a loved one, this orchid is sure to impress with its beauty and elegance.

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